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I changed the icon pack, but I can’t seem to change it anymore, nor can I reset to default. Is that a known problem?

I changed the icon pack, but I can’t seem to change it anymore, nor can I reset to default. Is that a known problem?

I’m running the latest LL on the latest Oreo on a Pixel.


Help installing a script.

Help installing a script.

Using only my phone (Pixel XL, with current Nougat), I would like to create an item that when I tap it, it runs Google Calendar, but that it shows a dynamic icon.

I would have expected the process to be something like:

* create an icon

* add a script to the icon

* request the appropriate script from the repo

* modify the script to point at the right icon from some pack I have installed that supports dynamic calendars

* that’s it.

But I cannot for the life of me figure out what I have to do. All the doc I’ve seen is about APIs and I can’t find a simple tutorial that walks me through something like that.

Can someone please help?


Anything wrong with Whicons + LL?

Anything wrong with Whicons + LL?

I’ve been trying to access single Whicons icons via the icon picker, and LL keeps telling me there are no icons.

On a related matter, Simpax icons seem properly installed, but when I try to use the icon picker on that pack, I get “broken icon pack.”

Any ideas what’s going on?


Problem changing action associated with a gesture.

Problem changing action associated with a gesture.

I set a folder’s left swipe action and it works as it should.

Then I set it to something else, but it still does the original action.

Then I unset that gesture altogether, but it still does the original action I set.

So: how do change the action associated with a gesture once I’ve set it?

(Running current stable LLX on Note 7.)


Can I set a KLWP wallpaper only for a desktop?

Can I set a KLWP wallpaper only for a desktop?

So far, I’ve only been able to set a KLWP wallpaper via Android settings as the system wallpaper. I would like to set it as a desktop wallpaper only, though.

Am I missing something or is that not possible?


Why can’t I left swipe?

Why can’t I left swipe?

It must be me, but I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong.

I have a desktop, and I’ve bound left swipe to launching the camera app. Works great.

Now, there’s another desktop. I just bound left swipe to launch the camera. Doesn’t work. Indeed, no matter what swipe direction I try to set, to launch any app at all – it doesn’t work.

I must have messed up some setting somewhere, but I haven’t a clue where it might be.

Can someone help me figure out how to fix this?


A recent LL + KWGT homescreen attempt

A recent LL + KWGT homescreen attempt

Many thanks to several KLWP & KWGT designers who inspired this.

It was also my first attempt at creating my own status bar KWGT widget. Kind of worked, but I need more time to focus on that than I can spare these days.

The weather, music, and appointment widgets each open a folder containing further info, as shown in pics 2, 3, and 4.

Using “Banded” Icon pack again, and colourized with LL functionality to match the widgets.

The task icon (top left, pic 1) and phone (mid-right, pic 1) have extra LL actions. Tapping calls Toodledo and Phone apps respectively; swipe-up calls add-task and Contacts respectively. Hence the extra icons (via Material FontIcon) above the Banded icon.

Question about LLX and KLWP.

Question about LLX and KLWP. I loaded a KLWP preset that has multiple screens, but they’re all overlapping one another. Or, with a different preset, I can’t seem to get the scrolling to work to swipe between screens. What am I doing wrong? I suspect I’ve got an incorrect LLX setting, but I don’t know which one it may be. Anyone got any advice?


Question about panel behaviour.

Question about panel behaviour.

When I tap inside a panel, whether it’s on an item or just its background, I see a ripple animation. This only happens in panels, AFAIK.

The question is – Is there some way to turn that animation off?


How do I edit default item values?

How do I edit default item values?

Used to be, there was an item under desktop settings that would let me set default values like padding, whether labels and icons were shown, etc.

Now I can’t find it.

I’ve spent half an hour looking, but I can’t find it.

I’m sure it’s somewhere obvious, but I’d appreciate it if someone could point it out to me.
