Problem changing action associated with a gesture.

Problem changing action associated with a gesture.

I set a folder’s left swipe action and it works as it should.

Then I set it to something else, but it still does the original action.

Then I unset that gesture altogether, but it still does the original action I set.

So: how do change the action associated with a gesture once I’ve set it?

(Running current stable LLX on Note 7.)

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8 Commentsto Problem changing action associated with a gesture.

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Are you setting the swipe event for the folder icon, or for the folder content ?

    I tried both and everything works as expected.

    Does it work the same with a new folder?


  2. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert I have not set the folder icon actions to anything.

    All the folders I’ve created on this particular desktop were new. That is: (a) create a folder; (b) set a swipe action – all ok; (c) change the swipe action, the original action still happens.

    I’ll keep messing with it and see if I can deduce any further diagnostics.


  3. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Maybe you set the action for the desktop itself? It happened to me before, everytime I added a widget or a folder, even if I didn’t set any actions for the swipe gestures, it opens up Google+ when I swipe right, which I know I did set before but only for a particular shortcut, didn’t realize I enabled it as well for the desktop it seems.


  4. Anonymous says:

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    Donna Menes Good idea, but that ain’t it.

    I discovered something else too. Turns out there’s only 1 folder of 3 where this problem happens. It’s a folder that contains only 2 large widgets from other programs. I’ve tried to compare folders that work as they should with that one, but I can’t find any difference in the settings.

    Next step, I’ll just start again with a fresh folder and see what happens. Also, I’ll set the swipe actions before adding anything to the folder, just in case one of those other widgets I’m adding is somehow mucking things up.


  5. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    OK, please let me know if you find something. Otherwise could it be possible to get an export of a desktop where the issue can be seen so that I can debug the thing on my device ?


  6. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert I’ll try. I start teaching again tomorrow. 350 undergrads. #facepalm. It’s got me rather busy. But I’ll see what I can do.


  7. Anonymous says:

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    Good luck! Teaching is a difficult job.


  8. Anonymous says:

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    Thanks. I’ve been doing it since 1989, so I’m “comfortably numb” about it now. 🙂


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