I’m STARTING to actually find my way around in LL (no more groping around in pitch darkness LOL).

I’m STARTING to actually find my way around in LL (no more groping around in pitch darkness LOL).

Please confirm:

Folders, including sidebars, can be hidden (no icon on desktop), and opened via a gesture (eg: a dock to toggle, as in Nova).

A panel, on the other hand, can scroll, but cannot be hidden and set to a gesture toggle.

Am I on the right track here?

Sorry…total LL noob. 😮

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5 Commentsto I’m STARTING to actually find my way around in LL (no more groping around in pitch darkness LOL).

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    You are right, with one exception: Panels can be hidden. But hidden panels cannot be accessed easily and thus have no use (afaik).


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Lukas Morawietz​

    Do you, personally, recommend jumping on betas, right away, or is it better to stick to stable releases until I have ‘the basics’.

    (OT: Where are you from in Germany? My Oma was from Berlin, then a Holocaust survivor (part Sinti), and I was born in Nuremberg.)


  3. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    That depends totally on your preference: Do you want a stable, but less feature-rich launcher? Go with stable. Do you want to see new functionality right away and can take a few crashes? Go with beta.

    Most betas are pretty stable. The second but last was one of the few releases where I catually saw a crash more than once (which was not caused by one of my scripts, because I crash the launcher a lot while testing new ideas). The current beta is definetly stable enough to be used in everyday usage.

    OT: Ich komme aus dem Raum Stuttgart.


  4. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Lukas Morawietz​

    I can’t even tell you how many problems I caused/discovered in KLWP, while working on a preset, which was fairly complex in portrait, AND totally redrew itself for landscape.

    We HAVE TO push limits. That’s our ‘job’. LOL

    Stuttgart. Sehr schön. 👍

    (Ich spreche ein bisschen, aber nicht so gut.)


  5. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    You’re right. Beta for testing at the limit.

    I’m using hidden folders

    And bindings for my dock in order to hide/show.

    Same bindings for hide/show widgets


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