Michael P. Jackson

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Alright you LL Masters.

Alright you LL Masters. I’m not completely beyond the notion of resorting to KLWP (or elsewhere) for this, but would prefer to go NATIVE LL, if feasible.

I would like to compile a series of wallpapers, in a folder, and have them cycle, changing at a set time intervals (probably q12hr).

Any ideas how best to accomplish this? LL solutions preferred, but others are welcome.

(My current device is NOT rooted.)



Interesting (minor-ish) issue I’ve encountered.

Interesting (minor-ish) issue I’ve encountered.

When I applied the icon pack, using app drawer settings, the contacts icon was not changed, but it was masked.

I then manually selected the icon, and it changed successfully, but the mask’s background was not removed.

I’m not even sure if this is a Lightning Launcher issue, or if it’s a problem with the icon pack.

Any ideas?


Last one for tonight.

Last one for tonight.

Would any of our Javascript Gurus be kind enough to provide a script, which could be assigned as an item’s action (for example, on swipe up), which will open http://www.google.com?

I’d like to use it as a template, and modify the URL, as needed, to create several shortcuts.


Been mucking around with things….

Been mucking around with things….

I’ve come to really love ultra-minimalistic layouts with lots of function. Each of the pinned icons has three or four different functions, making most of my frequently used items, as well as a REALLY PACKED widget folder, which I call “At A Glance,” all quickly accessible, from just 7 icons.

As always, thanks to you ‘masters’, for helping us amateurs! You save my brain from lots of mild trauma. 🤦 😁


Anybody had success with the dynamic calendar icon plugin, or know of an alternative?

Anybody had success with the dynamic calendar icon plugin, or know of an alternative?


Maybe y’all can help.

Maybe y’all can help.

I’m wanting to set the ’long tap’ action of an icon to open a URL in my default browser.

It appears there is no plug & play option for this. Is it possible, via a simple script, and if so, might someone be generous enough to write it for me? (I’m completely JavaScript illiterate.)

Also, if I’m missing a built-in way to set a shortcut to a URL, please enlighten me. This would be even better than a script.

Thank you.

(Picture is purely for entertainment and to make this post more interesting.)


I’m having a problem creating widgets.

I’m having a problem creating widgets. I’m currently on stable, but this occurred on earlier alpha, also. It’s actually WHY I switched back to stable. I receive an error, “Unfortunately Settings has Stopped.”

In logcat, (link below), it appears to be a java error, but I’m not sure if it’s LL or my ROM (MM-based Resurrection Remix).

It seems to go away after a clean flash of the ROM, but then comes back within a few days of use (and LL tweaking).

Also of note: the problem is specific to LL. I do not have any problem creating widgets in Trebuchet (stock Cyanogen launcher) or Nova.

Update: I’ve also tried changing back to (the latest, now) alpha, and the problem persists in LL.

Any guidance/insight would be GREATLY appreciated.


Logcat: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7yfqy6e24v3c2ok/2016-09-15-23-14-52.txt?dl=0


There’s an apk on Play Store, for using a folder as an app drawer.

There’s an apk on Play Store, for using a folder as an app drawer. This seems to be broken. I’m not sure if it HAS been broken, or if it’s tied to the new rebuild.

Does anybody have any info on this?


Pierre Hébert​​

Pierre Hébert​​

Issues with newest ‘alpha’ release.

See screenshots attached to post.

Logcat at: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1sx5dg6v5z09sef/2016-09-09-14-27-07.txt?dl=0

(Sorry for it being in the wrong category. My current theme (CM-based) has a G+ bug, which didn’t let me see the text on the category-selection screen.)


I am a member of several G+ communities, where LOTS of technical ‘how to’ information is shared.

Originally shared by Michael P. Jackson

I am a member of several G+ communities, where LOTS of technical ‘how to’ information is shared. It is frustrating to see so many of the same questions, asked and answered, over and over.

This is generally attributed to people being too ‘lazy’ to look for the answer, before asking the question.

In some cases, the issue is not one of laziness. Rather, since Google has removed the search feature (again) from G+ mobile interface, there IS no way to search communities, without using a PC (or maybe forcing the desktop site, via mobile).

I am asking all who are willing, to email apps-help@google.com and request Google reintroduce search on G+ mobile.

The more requests they receive, the better the chance they’ll actually do it.

Feel free to share this post. Help reach more users. Help ensure apps-help@google.com understands that mobile search really IS IMPORTANT.

Thank you.
