How to exchange all scripts / replace them without affecting the LL setup?
How to exchange all scripts / replace them without affecting the LL setup?
Currently you can only do it via manual copy n paste script by script. Pretty tedious.
Is there another easy way let’s say to load one or more scripts by name and replace the existing ones with the new content?
Is there a script for that somewhere?
Use case: having a final setup but there are only updates in the underlying scripts. I don’t want to load a template/backup because that resets the whole LL setup.
Many thanks for your suggestions.
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Check here
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Thank you.
Tried that. This helper only works for scripts that are in the repository.
Where as i am talking about local scripts. Non public ones.
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And this?
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Tried that as well. Doesnt work
Creating a new group crashes the tool.
I installed it from playstore and loaded the MultiTool script.
There is no ‘import script’ under ‘what do you want to do’. Doesnt match the Screenshots on playstore.
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Those functions were moved to the new activity.
And yes, it crash when creating a new group.
Calling Lukas Morawietz
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“to the new activity”?
How to import scripts than?
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I mean that new activity on the app drawer, with the ‘new group’ button that crashes.
I didn’t used yet that feature Lukas Morawietz will provide more details
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couldn’t reproduce, can you send a report?
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I sent it using the android dialog (in your developer console, anr, reports you should have it)
I’ll try to send a logcat too
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I’ve seen your report and I’m uploading a new Version. Please try if you can still reproduce the bug.TrianguloY
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It is fixed now.
And fact: now, when I opened the app, an ‘unsorted scripts’ group was there. Previously the list was empty.
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In this case it would’ve helped if I just uploaded a new version with a new version code and no other change. Or if you deleted the apps data.
The problem you had is that the id of the script wasn’t the same as saved in the app. This can happen when restoring backups or templates. There is now a mechanic to reload the ID without requiring to delete the data.