One question again for the use of LL.
One question again for the use of LL.
I want to make something like Panel hiding somewhere, with some Icons and only make it appear if I swipe over an Icon in the Dock.
I read about floating desktops somewhere. Is there any Tutorial you can recommend with this? Or something about the Usage from Panels?
I cannot get something like that to work even with trying a few hours and since there isn’t much help on Google in Regards of Lightning Launcher, I thought to ask here.
Any help would be gladly appreciated.
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Floating desktop is the feature that allows you to display a desktop on top of any running app, probably not what you want.
What about using a side bar? (Which is a folder placed at a side)
To open it with a slide use the action ‘open folder’
If you still want to use a panel you can make it with scripts or bindings, although that requires more setup
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Or you can use a script toggling a binding
When off nothing displayed when on all icons of your dock displayed 🙂
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Something like that
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Then slide to the right calling the toggle script
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TrianguloY Thank you for explaining with the floating desktop. The sidebars I already tried and had this for a while but were not happy with it.
Bruno-Isa LAMOUR-ARNOULD That looks awesome. How you got this script working? There any Tutorial were at least the basics were explained? I can read basic Javascript, but don’t think would be enough for writing a complicated script like that completly free. Or is there a basic script I could modify?
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/* toggle Param*/
var valeur= LL.getVariables().getFloat(Param)
if(valeur== 1){
/* set 0 */
else {
/* set 1 */
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My param is the name of the bindings. So the script is for any of mines.
No need to change here
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If value = 0 it’s off
If value = 1 it’s on
I set on icon in bindings part as visible with the param name (here Dockvisible)
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And script set as Events in Desktop settings
Swipe right : run a script
I set toggleVar (my script name) and data as Dockvisible
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Bruno-Isa LAMOUR-ARNOULD I tried to add your script a few times, but I am just keep failing all the time. What exactly do I need to write in bindings? I choose the visibility and added that param there, but the icons just gets invisible and even running this script won’t change anything….
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Severus M be sure the value is 1
And icons must be visible
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Bruno-Isa LAMOUR-ARNOULD When I set it to param = 1 it stays visible, so thats a bit better, but running the script still brings no change. So I seem to do something wrong.
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Yes something missing
Tick Script data
And when calling it add param as script data
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Confusing is your script is named param and param is the name of your paramètre. But no issue
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Ah yes. I thought the script name was the issue before thats why I changed it to param itself. Keep trying everything right now.
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I added the script data now and added param, but seems something other is wrong…
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Sounds OK
Please post a screenshot of the script please
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And rename your script
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Sorry I have to go now. Perhaps Hangouts session tomorrow ?
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Bruno-Isa LAMOUR-ARNOULD Sure. Will be back online around the same time as today, maybe a little earlier. Around 6 pm cet. Thanks for your help so far.
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I think the variable named param is not created.
Could you create it first using a gesture associated with create a variable
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I noticed a mistake on bindings.
You have to set only param and not param = 1
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I created the variable now, with an action but still not working. Bindings setting already changed before.
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Bindings is not correct.
Set only $param
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Bruno-Isa LAMOUR-ARNOULD Thank you so much. Now it works really good.
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Severus M happy to hear