Floating desktops: is it possible to have LL react to a swipe from the edge of any app (originally meant to activate…
Floating desktops: is it possible to have LL react to a swipe from the edge of any app (originally meant to activate your floating desktop) but assign a different action to it, e.g. recent apps view?
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You should be able to use the resume event of the floating desktop to start an intent.
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thanks – i did try that and it works; but was wondering if there is a way
to bypass the floating desktop even appearing. i’d still like to be able to
interact with the app underneath
one workaround could be to create an empty floating desktop, and on resume
event call my action (e.g. recent apps) and immediately dismiss the
floating desktop, but that seems clumsy
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It is clumsy, indeed, but there’s no other way at the moment using LL. I think you may use an additional app for this.
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that’s what i figured … thanks for the response!