How do I save my Template with all the Widgets? I tried restoring a an old backup and none of my widgets stayed.
How do I save my Template with all the Widgets? I tried restoring a an old backup and none of my widgets stayed.
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Whether or not widgets are restored depends on what version of android you’re on.
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Version 4.4.4
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Were you restoring a backup or a template? Installing a template should bring your widgets back. Sometimes you have to adjust (skins or options for example) but they should be there.
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I’m not sure. I can’t remember which I saved it as. It loaded the location of the widgets (they’re all Zooper widgets). It just didn’t load the widgets themselves so I’m having to go through and hunt for all of them on my phone and restore them
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If you got an option when restoring to merge or replace it was a template… If not it was a backup. For future reference, I always add backup or template to the end of the name just so I know.
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It must have been a backup then. Good to know. Thanks
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It looks like a backup restores widgets, not the template.
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It’s been awhile, but I think they both work for me. Templates for sure do.
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The difference is subtle (and not documented): the backup doesn’t delete existing widgets, whereas a template does delete everything, then try to recreate widgets (but cannot always succeed in this)
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Pierre Hébert thanks for that clarification! Can you elaborate on what circumstances widget re-creation may or may not succeed?
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Recreating widget does not work before 4.1 This has been added to Android “recently” (after all, 4.1 is not so far away…). Then it needs the user agreement to do that, and in the creation process widgets data cannot be restored. There is one notable exception: UCCW and Zooper offer a custom API to restore data, and Lightning makes use of it. All other widgets that handle their own data may be recreated, but will also be reverted to their default state.
The backup has a “conservative” approach: by avoiding to touch existing widgets, it is also the safest way to keep them tunning…
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Pierre Hébert which one is a better method if I want to be able to quickly restore an old setup or send it over to another device?
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Template. One day I will have to rework this screen and unify backups and templates.