Is anyone else having problems with bookmarks?

Is anyone else having problems with bookmarks? When I create one inside a panel or a folder, nothing happens when you click on them. They do work when I create them on any desktop.

In case the problem was a side-effect of the setup I was using I cleared data on the launcher and tried again, but no joy.

If you want to see what I mean There’s a template at:

3 Commentsto Is anyone else having problems with bookmarks?

  1. Anonymous says:

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    Update: I used TrianguloY​’s Bookmark modifier script to get the bookmark shortcuts to go to to the right place, but the documentation says that it should work from within panels and folders. Has this changed, and the documentation just not been updated? Or is something broken?


  2. Anonymous says:

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    I tryied it , but bookmark does not work inside the panels panel too.


  3. Anonymous says:

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    jindrich mottl thanks for checking. I guess I’m glad it’s not me, but I guess that means it’s a bug. TrianguloY​’s script works really well, though, so it’s not a critical problem.


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