I can’t I have a rather elementary question but the heap Max and free memory readings on the dynamic text, what…

I can’t I have a rather elementary question but the heap Max and free memory readings on the dynamic text, what exactly is that compared to D normal memory reading like RAM, etc it always stays exact same numbers and I don’t know what exactly kind of measurement it is being there are so many different forms of memory all-in-one basically. But I do know that even after a fresh reset and reinstall 1 minute it will be just a couple megabytes of RAM usage and every few minutes it will be over a hundred and thirty with nothing at all added to the launcher but a couple of Shortcuts or something and I was wondering if that is tied into it with the heap readings… On average though hovering in the background most of the time it will run in between 60 and 120 which is no big deal and is nothing for mine to run smoothly I just hear people saying they get so much less usage and I don’t. And yes with absolutely no widgets lol

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3 Commentsto I can’t I have a rather elementary question but the heap Max and free memory readings on the dynamic text, what…

  1. Anonymous says:

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    There is no “normal” memory, and this is a complex area 😉

    The heap is an amount of memory reserved for the “engine” of the app (for the virtual machine which executes the code). This heap has a fixed size and when it is full the app crashes because it can’t run anymore code.

    But an app uses more memory than the heap. It uses memory for code outside of the virtual machine (native code and library), memory for graphics (in the GPU), memory in services it uses in other apps. The key is that a huge amount of ram is shared between processes (and apps). For instance, it is better to have an app that uses 200MB where 190MB is shared with the system than an app that uses 50MB with only 10MB shared.

    People don’t have the same numbers because they don’t look at the same figures. Most tools don’t clearly display what kind of memory they count, and as memory is a really complex subject, this is useless.


  2. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert​​ Oh wow ok believe it or not that actually made complete sense and that was a hell of an answer because it was dead on, my question was a little off lol most people look at it as an app says it uses so many megabytes of RAM and have no clue that there is RSS process background virtual shared, etc and it’s way more complicated than what most people would ever imagine I can never keep up with all of the terms and their exact meanings of what is what which I’m sure I will one day for now I’ll just keep it written down or something lol so when you hit the heat makes the app crashes, just got all the little gears squeaking in my head I’m going to have to dig in further thanks man.


  3. Anonymous says:

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    It’s amazing how all that stuff is so comparable with actual physical mechanical machines in ways down to where physics tie into it it’s pretty cool


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