Hi TrianguloY​ I have Dark theme on LL settings

Hi TrianguloY​ I have Dark theme on LL settings

So perhaps something wrong in your script … Could you check please ?


14 Commentsto Hi TrianguloY​ I have Dark theme on LL settings

  1. Anonymous says:

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    Are the other dialogs (when inputting data) also white?


  2. Anonymous says:

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  3. Anonymous says:

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    Ah, ok. I though you were asking to change all the others.

    Let me think on it

    [ Lukas Morawietz​: do you know how to? I’m not asking you to search a way, only in case you already know how to do it 🙂 ]


  4. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert​ how to have the theme chosen on LL settings ? I have set Dark theme


  5. Anonymous says:

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    That depends on how you created that dialog, but I think you can get the theme from the activity.


  6. Anonymous says:

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    I used your function from your multi tool to create a dialog list.


  7. Anonymous says:

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    But one thing. I have the black theme on lightning settings, however all dialogs shown from scripts are white.

    I guess the dialogs use the theme of android itself. Why with DialogBuilder it doesn’t have the correct theme is unknown.


  8. Anonymous says:

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    TrianguloY yes I think the same.+Pierre Hébert Could you change this ? Following the LL theme ?


  9. Anonymous says:

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    The dialog inherits from the activity theme, which is Light. However you may be able to change it using ContextThemeWrapper just as with https://plus.google.com/u/0/+SimoneBoccuzziKLR/posts/dowtUT96WU5

    I don’t plan to allow different themes for the home screen because it is too much work when compared to the benefit (almost all Light theme elements are editor tools, except the popup menu)


  10. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert my active theme is Dark


  11. Anonymous says:

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    TrianguloY​ Could you try with ContextThemeWrapper please ?


  12. Anonymous says:

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    Dark and light themes apply to settings screen only.


  13. Anonymous says:

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    Bruno-Isa LAMOUR-ARNOULD​ sorry for answering so late, but I tested and couldn’t find how to do it. Now that Pierre answered I tried again…and I think I have it now. Test this:









    //global variables

    var newvariabletext=” — create a new variable — “;

    var vars;

    var names;



    function show(){

    LL.save();//save to force the file to be updated

    vars=JSON.parse(read(“data/data/net.pierrox.lightning_launcher_extreme/files/variables”));//reads the content of the file

    names=vars.v==null?[]:vars.v.map(function(a){return a.n+”: ‘”+a.v+”‘”});//extracts the variable names, if any

    names.push(newvariabletext);//adds the ‘create variable’ entry

    list(names,clicked,”Choose a variable, or create a new one”);//shows the list


    //when clicked an element

    function clicked(dialog,which){

    var variable=vars.v[which];


    //the ‘add a variable’ entry chosen



    //a variable chosen



    setTimeout(show,0);//shows the list again. On a timeout so the startActivity() is correctly launched before


    //editing a variable

    function editvariable(variable){

    var name=variable.n;

    //gets it’s type

    var llvar=LL.getVariables();

    var type=llvar.getType(variable.n);


    //gets its value

    var oldv;


    case “FLOAT”: oldv=llvar.getFloat(name); break;

    case “INTEGER”: oldv=llvar.getInteger(name); break;

    case “BOOLEAN”: oldv=llvar.getBoolean(name); break;

    default: oldv=llvar.getString(name);



    //gets its value

    var oldv=variable.v//vars.v.filter(function(obj){return obj.n==name})[0].v;

    //asks for a new value

    var newv=prompt(name+” (“+type+”)”,oldv);


    //cancelled. delete?

    if(confirm(“Do you want to delete this variable?”))llvar.edit().setString(name,null).commit();



    //update the value



    //adding a variable

    function addvariable(){

    var name=””;


    //ask for a not-used name

    name=prompt(“Name of the variable”,name);

    }while(names.indexOf(name)!=-1&& !confirm(“This variable name is already used, do you want to continue? (will be overwritten)”));


    //asks for the value

    var value=prompt(“Value of the variable ‘”+name+”‘”,””);


    //create the variable



    //calls lightning action ‘set a variable’

    function lightningcall(name,value){

    var intent=new Intent.getIntent(“#Intent;component=net.pierrox.lightning_launcher_extreme/net.pierrox.lightning_launcher.activities.Dashboard;i.a=41;end”);//the base intent

    intent.putExtra(“d”,name+”/”+value);//the extra data



    //function to display a List in a Popup, where the user can select one item. Taken from Lukas Morawietz’s Multi tool script

    function list(items,onClickFunction,title){

    var builder=new AlertDialog.Builder(new ContextThemeWrapper(LL.getContext(), R.style.Theme_DeviceDefault));

    var listener=new DialogInterface.OnClickListener()






    return true;






    builder.setNegativeButton(“Cancel”,new DialogInterface.OnClickListener(){onClick:function(dialog,id){dialog.cancel();}});//it has a Cancel Button



    function read(filePath){

    var file=new File(filePath);

    var r=new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));

    var s=””;

    var l;


    return s.substring(0, s.length – 1);



  14. Anonymous says:

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    Perfect.Thanks TrianguloY​


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