Pierre Hébert​

Pierre Hébert​

When editing a desktop some items which have to be not visible are displayed , Could you check ? It’s not a new issue

These items have Bindings with Visibility with a parameter which is 0

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7 Commentsto Pierre Hébert​

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Invisible items or with very low transparency are shown half translucent if the ‘show hidden items’ option is on (The ‘eye’ found at the very left in the bottom edit bar)


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    No they are displayed.

    Look at the end,when normal display and then first icon and it disappears


  3. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Following videos is difficult. I don’t understand this one, but what I can say is that days are passing very rapidly!

    Do you have a simple test case?

    This is probably not the issue, but use “false” instead of “0” (and true instead of 1)


  4. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Pierre Hébert I’ll try with false and true

    But it’s fine for other items


  5. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Pierre Hébert it’s always coming after editing the desktop.


  6. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    So there is really a small bug here


  7. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Pierre Hébert​ I think I’ve found the bug : when an item is under another it’s visible when editing even if Visibility set to False.

    Please recheck


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