I’m using tasker to hide/show an e-mail notification badge since I use AquaMail from various IMAP accounts and so…
I’m using tasker to hide/show an e-mail notification badge since I use AquaMail from various IMAP accounts and so the built-in Gmail badge isn’t an option. Whenever tasker runs it’s task and sends the true/false value to Lightning, Lightning is brought to the front. Is there a way an LL script can be triggered by tasker but to have it run in the background so I’m not automatically brought back to the launcher whenever a new message arrives?
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Not possible ATM. On the to-do list though.
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Woops – thought I’d use a workaround of having a Lightning script run to trigger tasker to send the value only when the lightning desktop is loaded…which loads the desktop which triggers the script which… 🙂
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var d=LL.getEvent().getDate();
if(typeof date===”undefined”||d>date+1000){
LL.sendTaskerIntent(new TaskerIntent(“Test”),false);
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Cool. Thanks.