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I trying to update icons for shortcuts via a script.

I trying to update icons for shortcuts via a script.  I have a bunch of shortcuts in a panel, and I have several sets of icons that I use (just because I do).  The icons aren’t part of an icon pack, so I can’t just apply an icon pack to the panel, but instead set the icon individually for each shortcut.  I have the icon files named the same as the names I assigned to each of the shortcuts, and the following script mostly works to change update the icons, but it displays only a portion of the image from the file.  Is it L.createImage() which is the problem?  Do I somehow have to specify dimensions?

var APLight = LL.getCurrentDesktop().getItemByName(‘AppsPanelTheLight’);

var all = APLight.getContainer().getItems();

for(var i=all.getLength()-1;i>=0;–i)


var item = all().getAt(i);

var icon = LL.createImage(“/sdcard/Stuff/Icons/test22/” + item.getName() + “.png”);




How can I create/edit scripts from a PC without having to do something like copy the text file to the phone, open…

How can I create/edit scripts from a PC without having to do something like copy the text file to the phone, open it, and then copy and paste back to the script editor in Lightning?


I’m using tasker to hide/show an e-mail notification badge since I use AquaMail from various IMAP accounts and so…

I’m using tasker to hide/show an e-mail notification badge since I use AquaMail from various IMAP accounts and so the built-in Gmail badge isn’t an option.  Whenever tasker runs it’s task and sends the true/false value to Lightning, Lightning is brought to the front.  Is there a way an LL script can be triggered by tasker but to have it run in the background so I’m not automatically brought back to the launcher whenever a new message arrives?


So, I feel a bit sheepish asking this, since I must be missing something simple, but for the life of me I can’t get…

So, I feel a bit sheepish asking this, since I must be missing something simple, but for the life of me I can’t get a Lightning script to trigger a tasker task.  The script in Lightning works fine, and the task I have set up in Tasker works fine.  Both are very simple little tests – the Tasker task just sends a broadcast to KLWP to change a photo, and the single-line Lightning script is identical to the one in Pierre’s example: LL.sendTaskerIntent(new TaskerIntent(“MyTask”), false);.  I  have tasker set to allow external access.  What am I missing?
