I have a couple of questions about panels.
I have a couple of questions about panels. Any help would be appreciated. Is it possible to have two panels stacked vertically off screen. And when I swipe have only one or the other pull out. I can get one panel to slide, but when I put two it is all or nothing as far as I can figure. The other question I have is about haveing panels on either side of the screen. I have seen posts where panels from both left and right can pull out at the same side. But when I try, I get one to pull out then have to swipe it away as I get the other to open. Any help? Or posts you could point me to.
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what i wanna do (one of many) is to have multiple (at least 2) on the same side and yet only move 1 at a time. i been trying to mimic the 4.2 UI but to do this i need 2 panels at the top. this part is easy, its moving one without moving the other that sucks. i tried folders but they would require panel functionality (by this i mean the way you can scroll the panel – or like a phones status bar where you can bring it down a little before swiping it back) now thats what i want. Scott Adkins does this sound like what youre asking?
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Yes for the first half of my question. Have two panels side by side but only move one as if pulling a tab out. So I could slide out one panel to show a set of icons, then close it to have another set come out just a bove it, for example.
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Seems like you’ll need some scripting
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For the first question(same side panels):
Do the panels overlap? You say in the comment that you close one and have another come out above it. Do you mean that one is in the top part of the phone and the other on the bottom?
For the second question(panels on both sides)
How would you hide one panel without opening the other?
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To scroll out a panel, it will have to be on the same page you’re on… sounds like they are on the adjoining page and you’re just scrolling to the page that contains both panels.
If I understand you correctly, put both panels on current page. You can make them transparent if you wish. Then when you scroll each panel individually, you would actually be scrolling within the panel, from an empty part, to the populated part. A “tab” could could be put on the edge, just visible, or not.
I could make a quick example, if that would help.
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Chris Chastain that is the I see this also.
If you want to have two pages displayed at the same time you can mimic this using two panels that contain the scrollable content.
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Bogdan Tautu Not overlapping, more like you said top and bottom. And as for the second part I envision it like shutters closing, meeting in the middle with my main page under them. Chris Chastain You are correct they are on an adjacent page. I think I understand your suggestion with panels on the main page, that might work. Need to think on how this would change the basic setup I use, thanks for the idea. The only problem I see is wanting the fact that there is a panel there hidden. I could make it transparent but then when I “pull the panel out” wanting it to have a background. Seems like I would have to set the background for each item. But good for thought. Thanks
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if your main page containt two invisible panels, you can have each panel have a second page with the panel you want to slide and this one can have any background.
for the second part
you want the shutters to open and close simultaneously?
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Not necessarily simultaneously. But able to both be “open or closed” as wanted. For example if I had widgets on both that sometimes I wanted to display at the same time, and at other times only one. How do set just part of the panel have a background? Is it on a page by page setting. Thanks for the help by the way.
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i somehow got lost because in my case there would be a panel on the top left and a panel i the top right. problem is how to get the panels to come down individually.
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Curtis Sylvester Jr. you make 2 panels that split the desktop. indide you put your panels.
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Scott Adkins, once you make a transparent panel, put another panel in the part that scrolls onto the screen with whatever color you need. Here is a short video of a sample set up I made this morning. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BznKSfF8oBq4M1N1b1Y0VDZmZDg/edit?usp=docslist_api
The right side is not a panel. Just a side bar made with stop points from a fragment of the adjoining page. Everything on home page is pinned so nothing moves when you scroll out the side bar.
Panels/side bar can slide out individually or all at once by long pressing app drawer icon (via +trianguloy’s multi container bookmark script maker), and can all be closed simultaneously by pressing home (script made by same multi container bookmark script).
Now we have something concrete to discuss… even though this is just down and dirty and probably won’t fit your set-up. ;-)
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Chris ChastainThanks that looks like what I was thinking of, you didn’t have to go to the trouble of mocking something up for me. How do you achieve the handle things on your panels? I’ll have to look into the scripts you mentioned. I have not done anything with scripts yet so I will have to research how to apply them.
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Scott Adkins no worries dude… took about 30 min. this morning… I was curious too, as to how it would work out.
The little tab handles are just some 9 patch files that I had already compiled for my daily driver. Stretched tall and squeezed real thin.
TrianguloY multi container book mark script is in the repository. Set your desktop position, panels, etc to closed position, run the script, and it makes a new script that you copy/paste/name and set it to (in this case) the home key. Same thing to open all panels… open them up, run script, copy/paste/name the resulting new script and set it to long press event of app drawer icon. There’s a million ways it could be done.
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wait what? so 1 panel on the left side and one on the right? then i put a panel inside the left and a panel inside the right?
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I’m not exactly sure of how you want your setup to be, but have you considered putting your panels in folders? You can place these folders outside of your desktop so that they don’t show, you can then assign gestures to open the folders, or use dummy icons that can be transparent or skinned to trigger the folders. Folders can be sized and located to your liking, this would solve your background and location problems. Also you can have some really cool open/close animations.
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true but to use folders they would first have to behave the way a panel would. you can drag a panel down as little or as much as you want with just a finger but a folder knows only 2 things (open and close) thats it. im trying to mimic a 4.2 tablets status bar dropdowns and i need panels for that.
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I’m sorry I should have been more clear, the panels can be placed in the folders giving you all of the advantages of panels along with the flexibility of folders. An example of one of my setups is this: I have a vertical panel that has my music widgets such as player pro, tune in radio, Sonos, & soundhound. These widgets are rotated vertically and scroll vertically within the panel. This panel is placed within a folder with the background set to transparent. I have an icon within a sidebar that when tapped causes the folder with the music panel to slide open from the left side. I will try to download a screen recording program so that I can show the example. Either way I hope this explanation makes things a little clearer.
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Here is a link to a YouTube video of the setup explained above. I know it differs from what you are looking to do, but perhaps it will inspire new ideas.
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maybe i wasnt clear… in order to use folders they would have to have the same behavior as a panel. you can show me all you want but a folder will open and close thats it where as a panel can be controlled by a finger. to do what im trying to do i need 4 panels.