

Is there a way to switch the phone’s screen off with a gesture in LL?

7 Commentsto Hello!

  1. Amit Patil says:

    There is no direct way. Because LL does not use administrative privileges required to lock the phone.

    But you can use any shortcut maker app along with any screen locking app having an activity to lock the screen directly to achieve this.

    On your preferred gesture, first call a shortcut created using the shortcut maker which will in turn call the lock activity.

    This might also be possible using scripts, rooting + exposed, but I’m a noob in that area.

  2. Amit Patil says:

    Kevin Andr not to offend you. But don’t you think downloading Nova Launcher just to use an activity is quite an overkill? Especially when there are so many free shortcut maker apps and LL itself has tasker support built in?

  3. Jay M says:

    Makes no difference really if he downloads a shortcut maker app he downloads an app if he downloads Nova hes downloading an app. If he downloads Tasker to use it with LL hes still downloading an app. Anyway theres an example how to run a Tasker task with LL here http://www.lightninglauncher.com/wiki/doku.php?id=working_with_tasker

  4. Thanks, guys!

    I guess the most correct approach will be using tasker, as it gives more possibilities. Although more dificult probably. I’ll look in to it.

  5. Jay M says:

    Na its easy im assuming your new to Tasker so open the app press the 3 dots or the menu button go to preferences and under the misc tab enable external access (very important). Go back to the main screen and press the Task tab press + button and give your task a name (remember it) press the + button add a new action Display/System Lock you need to enable accessibility when asked. Then exit Tasker open the script editor in your app drawer and paste this LL.sendTaskerIntent(new TaskerIntent(“REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_TASKS_NAME”), false); exit script editor and set up a event and action in desktop settings to run the script you just made.

    LL must have run scripts enabled in its settings.

  6. Jay M,

    You’re right, I’m new to tasker, but always was curious about using it.

    Thank you very much for complete answer!!

  7. Jay M says:

    Glad i could help 👍

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