I’m new to LL.

I’m new to LL. So this might sound awkward. In “My Drawer” I can only add folder. Even if I add a folder and I try to add an app, again all the items seems disabled for me. Why is this behavior? I’m using a redmi note 3 pro.

7 Commentsto I’m new to LL.

  1. Jay M says:

    Its by design the desktop is were all this crap goes an app drawers job is to display your apps it doesnt make sense to put things like badges, dynamic text,widgets and that in there.

  2. Jay M says:

    You should still be able to add apps to a folder in the drawer though i just tried it on my device and it works fine.

  3. Godwin Burby says:

    But in my case I can’t add any app to the added folder….. I don’t want any other stuff in my folder inside my drawer… I just want to mimic folder inside app drawer with apps just like in Nova launcher.

  4. You cannot add items in the app drawer, you can only move items around, including moving in and out of folders.

  5. Jay M says:

    Your not dragging the apps onto the message that says the folders empty are you? You need to drag them onto the actual folder item you created and wait a second for the animation to finish.

  6. Godwin Burby to simplify: drag and drop. And don’t forget about multi-select!

  7. Godwin Burby says:

    Ok Jay M​ you said it, I was doing it the wrong way. Thanks Chris Chastain​, Lukas Morawietz​. I’ve got it. 😁

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