My app drawer, using LLX and scripts.

My app drawer, using LLX and scripts.

Characteristics from the launcher:

Auto closing the app drawer when opening an app.

Open/close animation from the top.

Auto close a folder when opening another.

Characteristics from scripts:

Auto sort alphabetically when open the folder.

The folder always open at the top.

The icon change to show which folder is opened (idea of Lukas Morawietz).

5 Commentsto My app drawer, using LLX and scripts.

  1. Oh yes, autosort, I’ve done that also. May I see your sorting algorithm?

  2. TrianguloY says:

    var items=fold.getItems();

    var list=[];

    for(var t=items.getLength()-1;t>=0;){

    var item=items.getAt(t);



    list.sort(function(a,b){return a.getLabel().toLowerCase()

  3. I would use an .toLowerCase() on both labels, otherwise “AC” would be sorted before “Ab”.

  4. TrianguloY says:

    Oh, yes. You are right.

    Script updated.

    Thanks 🙂

  5. Hello! I’m new with LLX. How can I use your scipt to build an app drawer like yours? thanks

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