A new category to discuss about translations!

A new category to discuss about translations!

This is the place to announce translations updates, report translation issues and so son.

A quick note on translations though.

Handling translations in Lighting is uneasy because of the deliberate  choice I made to split translations into independent packages. On one hand this brings some interesting benefits – faster apk update cycle (in theory), smaller core app since it does not ship dozens of languages… On the other hand it raises some issues: a few texts cannot be translated (yet), more work, more bugs.

The consequence is that I am usually lagging on this area, so please be patient…


8 Commentsto A new category to discuss about translations!

  1. Anonymous says:

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    good idea


  2. Anonymous says:

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    Thanks for updating so quickly the Italian translation


  3. Anonymous says:

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    Good idea to split the language files from the main app, not everybody needs it.

    Dear community members, you may know that the translations can be edited from all of you. I suggest all of you to check the translations on your native language and if you recognise a failure or not translated words, please help Pierre. I already done it on Hungarian.


  4. Anonymous says:

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    Viktor Wachter Totally agree with you.

    Also, I add that if you really do not want to cater to fill the translation, just report errors and / or deficiencies found in this section so that translators “regulars” can do so directly behind your records.


  5. Anonymous says:

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    About translations, I would ask the people who use the Italian translations to report if there are any parts not translated because I saw on Google Play comments last update of the translation in which it is said that the translation is not complete .. .

    I can guarantee that has been translated every text string shown in the app for the translation, so if you do the reports you can check where the problem is.

    Thanks for your cooperation.


  6. Anonymous says:

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    I am talking about all languages, not just Italian.

    In LL are currently only two texts in English (do not translate).

    1) I’ll be back! (from Terminator movie Pierre Hébert 😉 ) – where is: after kill: All apps, LL, or script editor.

    2) Browse the app store – where is Long tap on desktop / Scripts … / Load a script … /

    Whenever Pierre added new English texts, so I check whether there are the necessary variables (in translation sites) and if variable load in LL…


  7. Anonymous says:

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    Danbar Danbar unfortunately these texts are not translated because Android displays them using the app package only and is not aware of the custom language pack. The only way to translate these texts (and a few others) would be to directly add these translated texts into the main app. There are issues with this, but I have nevertheless added this to my bug list to see if I can find a solution.


  8. Anonymous says:

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    hehe, yes, I know it. You’ve already wrote it. Rather, it was the explanation that can translate everything except the above points.


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