This seems like a bug: LL shows up in the Recent Apps list.

This seems like a bug: LL shows up in the Recent Apps list. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a launcher in Recents before. This causes some rather inconvenient behavior. When the screen goes to sleep, LL is often, if not always, the “most recent” running app.  When I turn the screen back on, it goes back to the home screen instead whatever was running when it turned off.

I found that if I go to Lightning Settings –> General – Lock Screen and uncheck “Launch Unlock,” LL no longer shows up in Recents and the screen wakes to whatever was running when it went to sleep instead of going to the home screen.  I don’t use LL’s lock screen, so I’m not sure how this setting would effect it. Also, LL did start showing up Recents again, even though Launch Unlock was still unchecked.Checking, then unchecking it restores the desired behavior. So it seems unchecking it sets something that can be reset without necessarily check ing it again.

If I understand correctly, Launch Unlock will cause the screen to unlock when an app is launched from  LL’s lock screen. This shouldn’t have any effect since I’m not using LL’s lock screen.

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