Upgraded phone from Razr Maxx running Android 4.2 to  Droid Maxx, and then Samsung S5, the later two running 4.4.

Upgraded phone from Razr Maxx running Android 4.2 to  Droid Maxx, and then Samsung S5, the later two running 4.4. Two problems that didn’t exist on 4.2:

– pressing the power button closes or minimizes the running app

– occasionally, the screen doesn’t respond to finger touches, but does scroll (I can see all my desktops, but pressing an icon does nothing.) Eventually this clears up (most reliably by pressing recent apps, selecting on, then all is well for a while.)

Seems pretty strange. Maybe I’m missing something?



12 Commentsto Upgraded phone from Razr Maxx running Android 4.2 to  Droid Maxx, and then Samsung S5, the later two running 4.4.

  1. Anonymous says:

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    about the app problem there was a similar post just hrs ago about it. if i remember right the fix is to just load up from recent apps? but then again the problem was that when reopening the app it restarts the app being loaded. your case may not be the same exactly but it sounds pretty close.


  2. Anonymous says:

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    They seems very strange to be problems from LL, but who knows.

    The power button bug happen when the app is active? I mean, when you are not in the launcher?

    If this is the case the app is the problem, or the device. LL can’t do anything of other apps, just open them. (I hope I’m right! )

    And the second bug…can’t imagine what the problem is. I suppose the tap action is set to launch item…

    And it happened with two different devices? Maybe the problem is with your layout…strange.


  3. Anonymous says:

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    Confirmed: the power button is managed by the system and only the system. Regarding the touch issue, I noticed this on different hardware when the device is on a table (and not in the hand). I can see this on a N1, touches are incorrectly reported, I need to push the power button twice. But I have no idea whether this is your problem or not.


  4. Anonymous says:

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    – Curtis: yes the fix (work around) is to press recent apps, but it is a real pain when working in an app, put the phone to sleep, only to open it to the home screen instead of the previously open app

    – Tiangulo: all of the reported problems go away when I switch the home screen back to the default. Don’t know how LL can cause it, but sure seems to be the culprit. While I understand the LL can’t do anything in an app, but I also suspect that the home screen app can intentionally (or unintentionally) minimizing an app (the equivalent of a “home button” press.)

    — yes, the power button problem is when the app is active. There wouldn’t be another other condition when minimizing the app would be a problem.

    — layout problem? what can I do in the layout to cause a problem like this. There was more or less the same layout on the 4.2 device and it worked flawlessly.

    – Pierre: power button & touch both work differently when LL is the home screen. And now, having set TouchWiz (a horrible user interface) as default, LL periodically hijacks the device and becomes the home screen. Interestingly, pressing the “settings” icon on the LL home screen takes me back to TouchWiz.

    One idea I will investigate … On the Samsung, I restored from a backup made on the Droid Maxx … maybe that is causing some of the issues. I will uninstall & reinstall once, but since power & touch were issues on the Droid, I doubt that solves everything. Without a fix for those issues, I will just have to find something else.


  5. Anonymous says:

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    About the power off bug:

    What do you have on the screen off event of the launcher?


  6. Anonymous says:

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    screen off event is (lock) Do nothing


  7. Anonymous says:

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    And…do you have the lock screen feature of LL enabled?


  8. Anonymous says:

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  9. Anonymous says:

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    I asked because the symptoms of your problem seems to be as if the home screen of LL were set as the lock screen. To be sure go to lightning settings, all settings, general, lock screen, select or disable the lock screen, AND without clicking any desktop press Back. A toast notification will appear saying ‘the lock screen was disabled’ or similar. Try it, if the problem persists….sorcery!


  10. Anonymous says:

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    lol TrianguloY sorcery


  11. Anonymous says:

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    Thanks for the suggestion. The issues were causing too much lost time & aggravation so I uninstalled LL. I had consciously disabled the lock screen in Android settings, and never intentionally set it in LL (but as we know, it could have happened unintentionally.) I really like the LL UI, so will reinstall at some point in the future, but for now, I have to be productive. The native UI is a marginal, but acceptable for now, hindrance. 

    Thanks for your efforts.


  12. Anonymous says:

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    Sorry for the problems. It’s understandable. Don’t hesitate to ask in the future 🙂


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