I just tried the last beta on Blackberry Classic (the last one) and the wallpaper behaves weirdly.
I just tried the last beta on Blackberry Classic (the last one) and the wallpaper behaves weirdly… (the screen is a square) :
There is an empty space on top and bottom.. Black on top, Yellow on bottom
I tried to change the setting “wallpaper position” without success..
Pierre Hébert
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That seems to be the bars. What if you enabled/disable them?
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TrianguloY The bars? You mean the System bars?
I’ll try tomorrow!
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Benoît de Chezelles yes, notification bar and navigation bar
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Good idea, but as you can see on some screenshots, the icons and menus goes on top…
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TrianguloY and also, on the Blackberry Classic there is no navigation bar.. There is a physical keyboard and physical navigation buttons
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But maybe lightning thinks there are, and place those ‘fake’ bars.
Maybe not, but try.