When I wrote the list of bugs with pinned items, I made one mistake sorry.

When I wrote the list of bugs with pinned items, I made one mistake sorry.

This is the real explanation of one of those bugs (which is really really annoying)

I’m going to submit it to the bug report.


In a screen/folder with any layout

1) fill the main part of the screen (a lot of icons or a big icon)

2) in another screen /outside the folder create an icon (any) and pin it (preferable horizontal and vertical, but also happen with vertical)

3) move that icon to the previous folder/screen

4) now you can’t see the icon

To restore and see it again just do the layout bigger (more slots)

My explanation:

When you move an icon to a new screen/folder. It will automatically be placed on the next hole that it will found, even if it’s outside the main part of the screen.

If the icon is pinned: it will be there, but you won’t be able to scroll to see it.


3 Commentsto When I wrote the list of bugs with pinned items, I made one mistake sorry.

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Thanks I understand, this makes things crystal clear 🙂


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    My apologies.

    I have submitted it in the form, just in case.


  3. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    This is great, having it in the form is important because it allows me to remember things. From time to time I can have a look at it and see what I need to do.


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