This bug/suggestion is related to the well known and old bug of the ‘duplicated app in the app drawer’

This bug/suggestion is related to the well known and old bug of the ‘duplicated app in the app drawer’

Sometimes, when an app is updated, the app drawer instead of replace the app, it adds it again as a new item keeping the old one (I think it is because the main activity changes, but didn’t tested)

This leaves the real app and a ghost one, a refresh fixes it.

Bug: when you click the ghost app the ‘this item is not installed’ dialog is shown, but the drawer gets closed immediately, so you can’t do anything (uhm, I have the auto-exit checked…how would it be without that?) Anyway, as I said with this option you can see the dialog, but it gets closed immediately and you can do anything.

Suggestion: when the launcher detects that this dialog is called from the app drawer, delete the item directly. Or if you prefer ask the user to do a refresh.


4 Commentsto This bug/suggestion is related to the well known and old bug of the ‘duplicated app in the app drawer’

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    No, give the user the choice to delete or not the app shortcut, or/and maybe give a playstore link to the app!

    A Refresh button on that dialog is a good idea


  2. Anonymous says:

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    Benoît de Chezelles​ keep in mind I’m taking about the app drawer, not a normal desktop.

    A refresh deletes the item automatically, so why not


  3. Anonymous says:

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    So I tried without the auto-exit…and as I guessed it lets you interact with the dialog.

    Funny thing, if you click on ‘choose another app’ and you choose another app, it crash 😀

    (Bug report already sent)


  4. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Thanks for the bug 😉

    There is definitely room for improvement here! The ghost icon should not be there, there is some code to remove “orphaned” activities but for some reason it does not always work. I must admit that I didn’t looked a lot at the issue…

    More generally there are a couple of cases where links can become broken (system update, side loading). The best would be to automatically detect this. I made some experiment (and even published it) but it seemed that the refresh was triggered too frequently, I couldn’t guess why, and I had to remove it.

    At the moment it seems the manual refresh is not optimal but it works anyway, so a refresh button when the app appear to be broken is probably a good idea. I believe the app can detect when the component is disabled, then in that case only a warning would be needed (maybe with a link to the app info).


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