I posted this a while ago I can’t get the edit box to shrink as it has gone beyond the tool bar..

I posted this a while ago I can’t get the edit box to shrink as it has gone beyond the tool bar..

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5 Commentsto I posted this a while ago I can’t get the edit box to shrink as it has gone beyond the tool bar..

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    try pressing the bottom right button, the one with the arrow


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Then the whole box disappears and you still can’t resize it.

    If you tap the pencil (upper right) to close the top edit bar, will the edit box move up by that amount?

    It looks like your nav bar and status bar are hidden.

    Does it change the placement if you change those settings? Like uncheck the content overlap settings for the bars (assuming they are checked)?

    I tried to get mine to do that, but was unable to get the edit box to go behind the bottom bar.

    Also tried resetting desktop, and that doesn’t seem to affect the edit box.

    All I can think of is to do a backup, and then uninstall/reinstall lightning, if none of that helps.

    Might want to move the backup file out of the Lightning Launcher folder before uninstall, just to make sure it doesn’t get deleted.


  3. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Chris Chastain first​ solution is the correct one: click the pencil to hide the top bar and you will be able to resize it.

    Pierre Hébert​​ you should check this, I’m am able to reproduce it myself (with transparent bars and a top bar shown you can resize that box out of the limits)


  4. Anonymous says:

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    Ah! Ha! Yes Chris Chastain​​ & TrianguloY​​ the first solution did the trick.. Thanks guys 👍😎

    Edit: it’s been like that for months and I never thought to do that.. 😖😊


  5. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Probably the issue is that the overlap is with the bottom bar. It should overlap the top bar instead, because it is optional. I don’t want it to shrink or grown when something is shown or hidden.


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