When clicking a Tasker shortcut on the LL home desktop, sometimes LL causes last used app to be displayed instead of…

When clicking a Tasker shortcut on the LL home desktop, sometimes LL causes last used app to be displayed instead of running the Tasker shortcut. Anyone else have this problem?


11 Commentsto When clicking a Tasker shortcut on the LL home desktop, sometimes LL causes last used app to be displayed instead of…

  1. Anonymous says:

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    No. It’s OK.


  2. Anonymous says:

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    Yes, this happens with me too, sometimes


  3. Anonymous says:

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    I can’t even assign a task to an event currently. Previous ones are still working


  4. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert any ideas on what’s causing this, or how we can remove this effect? let me know if you want me to send logs …


  5. Anonymous says:

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    I’d like to dig into this a bit more. What are the common use-cases where this unwanted “last used app” behavior happens? Maybe we can help narrow the source of the bug

    For me, it is when I’m

    – clicking on a Tasker shortcut from the main desktop (not from a folder)

    – last used app was “backed out” rather than forced into background by home button

    – happens when LL is first used after being idle for a few minutes (or more)

    – but it happens regardless of whether LL is loaded in foreground and constantly running

    Prasad Kaladi what’s your experience?


  6. Anonymous says:

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    Shortcut from a folder and this does not happen always. I’ll observe closely and let you know the circumstances.


  7. Anonymous says:

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    I don’t know. It may depend on the nature of the intent launch by the shortcut. Maybe what happens is that a transparent or hidden activity is launched through the shortcut. This activity would immediately terminate and, for an unknown reason, Android is going back to another app instead of the launcher which started the intent for the shortcut. This is only a supposition, you may validate or invalidate it by looking at activity switches in the android log.


  8. Anonymous says:

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    thanks Pierre Hébert this is helpful. In my case, the behavior occurs when LL invokes a Tasker shortcut which then result in an action which needs to be executed by LL (launch an app, or edit some item properties). however, the sequence is that the “last used” app first appears BEFORE the correct LL action in the shortcut gets executed, and not the way you described it (“last used” app appears after the shortcut gets executed)


  9. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert can you provide a bit more color on your comment about a transparent or hidden activity being launched (is not that recommended)?

    what causes the error to trigger (and sometimes LL to crash) are shortcuts which change a LL variable via Tasker, which then impact item properties (label, visibility) via bindings tied to the variable. is there a better way of doing this to avoid the errors?

    i’ve tried flashing a different ROM, using different launchers, but only LL has this issue so hoping to get some help to resolve it here …


  10. Anonymous says:

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    I don’t think I can solve this issue because as I understand it’s not 100% reproducible, it is involving specific stuff with Tasker. I’m afraid that have no hope of understanding what is going on without being able to reproduce and debug it.

    I have a few suggestions though:

    – if possible, try to refactor the setup to avoid the current retroaction (LL->Tasker->LL) so that it becomes a single operation (LL->Tasker). I don’t know what is going on but jumping back and forth between apps is certainly part of the equation.

    – split the operations in multiple sub operations that you can activate them separately to discover at which step the problem appears, it would then be easier to discover which action exactly is triggering the issue. From there we can focus on a smaller thing.

    – without splitting operations, insert pauses (1 or 2 seconds) between them. This could help to detect at which time the issue occurs, and as a consequence where.


  11. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert thanks for the suggestions. i think i may have isolated this:

    – the LL-Tasker-LL is not the issue, it also happens with any shortcut in LL that does not launch an app

    – to “reproduce” the issue, i’ve found that it always happens after i open a custom view that is inside a folder on my desktop, that is based on TrianguloY ‘s clipboard viewer. i have a script onPause to clear the timeout on the custom view, but somehow android does not recognize it is paused/destroyed and when i click on any LL shortcut after the screen goes off and on again, it tries to launch an activity unsuccessfully (which shows up as the last used app briefly)

    does the above make any sense? if yes, is there a better way for me to destroy the custom view with 100% certainty via script listening for onPause?


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