In LL wallpaper, numbers is not visible all.

In LL wallpaper, numbers is not visible all.

When i select photo – created from my phone camera (max 13 Mpx) in LL wallpaper, i have crash. If i select same photo for system wallpaper, wallpaper working good.

Pierre Hébert​


4 Commentsto In LL wallpaper, numbers is not visible all.

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    I believe the image exceeds system capabilities, in theory the launcher checks all errors at this level, but unfortunately I am aware that sometimes is directly crashes in android code instead of returning an error. That’s annoying, maybe I will have to ensure that images are not bigger than the screen size, one way or another. Some downscaling will have to be enforced.


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Thank you for the screenshot for the dialog, I will enlarge text fields.


  3. Anonymous says:

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    The image picker allows you to take a picture from the camera … who has a lot mpix, he will have this problem.

    Maybe take that picture Coordinates crop, and save it as a small picture (kb, mb) under another name.

    Yesterday I sent a mail bug LOGG including photos.


  4. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Yes thanks I received it and was able to use it.

    The previous version was able to handle very large images but I dropped support for this because it was too expensive.


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