I don’t know exactly when it happened, but long-pressing on an LLX setting no longer launches online help.
I don’t know exactly when it happened, but long-pressing on an LLX setting no longer launches online help. Pierre Hébert ‘s website was still there last time I checked, but now I have to leave the app to get to it. What’s going on?
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i warned Pierre Hébert about shutting his laptop off at night lmfao im joking but his router may be acting retarded again which causes hell for us…. as well as him
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i just tried it out. its launching help now …. for me anyways.
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It may have been and out of memory thing… Now I can get there, after cleaning up a bunch of junk from my phone and restarting.
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he had to reset his router too so
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Carolyn Boyle
It wasn’t just you. It wasn’t working for me either.