About newly added LL’s Rotation change event/action

About newly added LL’s Rotation change event/action

I’m not sure this is a bug or something, but I think its abnormal, so I post it.

Some discussion

As of LL’s v8.7, we can use an event which is triggered when a phone is rotated (portrait <--> landscape).

At a post in this community, I saw Pierre Hébert ‘s answering about using 2 desktops to each rotation modes. Yes, it’s a really good idea, I dobout this implementation can be possible for other normal launchers.

So I’ve created it, and it looks good (not with squezed, overlapped icons, and broken widgets in landscape).

My humble conclusion is that portrait mode’s LL desktop is to be for a phone on a hand, landscape mode’s is to be for a phone on a real desk. Of course a phone is mobile, so main mode is portrait but why dont we LL users have a nicely pre-layouted landscape-designated homescreen?

Bug or something

To use LLs rotation change events, I found that a desktop’s Desktop Orientation(under Miscellaneous menu section) option shoud be set as Auto or System.

If I set it to Landscape or Portrait, that desktop doesnt react to rotation change events.(This is current version’s feature, not bug. but I think its not reasonalbe)

So I set desktop #1’s to Auto for portrait-designated mode, and desktop top #4 to also Auto for landscape-designated mode.

Desktop #2, #3 is set to Portrait. If then, these two desktops dosent rotate screen for tilting a phone.


If I do Next Desktop action in a phone upright(portrait), all desktops are well visited. But 

in a phone titled(landscape),  desktops #2, #3 are skipped abruptly.  It may be a bug.


On switching between two desktops, if a folder is open, then re-switching makes items in that folder disorder/dis-align not as designed.

I tested the aboove case 2 using Tasker(phone automation app), and my guess is as follows.

When a phone is rotated, LL(or OS?) first rotates current desktop because its option is set as Auto.

In this stage, items in a open folder are displaced to a rotated mode, which means items positions are dis-aligned. 

Next LL process Switching to port or land action, so directs designated desktops. In leaving current desktop, LL remembers items pisition in a folder.

After re-switching, items are shown dis-aligned.


Blocking a propagation of rotation event(intent?).

In my case, desktop #2, #3 are set to Portrait as a value of “Desktop Orientation”. As said above, if a desktop is set not as Auto or System, under that desktop, it doesnt react to Switching to… action.

I understand its a policy of LL. But I guess LL also blocks a propagation of roation event to other APPS under that desktop. For example, if I used that rotation event in a Tasker, Tasker works well under other apps, but not under desktop #2, #3.

If my guess is right, can it be adjusted?

English is not my language, and my writing is too long and gibberish, I’d like to convey well my words.

Originally shared by KyungJoon Lee


3 Commentsto About newly added LL’s Rotation change event/action

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    That is a long post, indeed !

    The problem can be seen very clearly on your video  and I could reproduce it by replicating your setup. I didn’t have the time to have a deep look at the problem, but my guess is that the app receive a rotation change event while switching from #1 to #2 (since #2 is portrait only). Hence it brings back to #1, which rotate against to landscape since it is in auto mode, and due to this second rotation change event, it switches to #4.

    What happens here, is that the event received by LL is not “device turned to portrait or landscape” but “screen turned to portrait or landscape”, and this subtle difference have a big impact on the final behavior. It also explains why it won’t be received when a desktop is set to either portrait or landscape.

    I may change this so that the received event is “device turned” instead of “screen turned” but I am a bit annoyed that it may either need an additional permission, or be less efficient.

    Anyway you are rising a good question…


  2. Anonymous says:

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    KyungJoon Lee , regarding the folder bug upon rotation, I couldn’t reproduce it. Do you have some special configuration that I could have missed ? Otherwise would you mind sharing your setup with me through a backup file so that I can experiment on my device ?


  3. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Pierre Hébert Nearly finishing 5th desktop for conceptual landscape mode of desktop#1… On finishing, I will upload all desktops for testbed(for you) and tasting(for LL newly user?). Thanks for your consideration.


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