Just discovered an odd bug.

Just discovered an odd bug. It exists in both the current beta and production release. Desktop bookmarks don’t work the same in landscape as portrait. I have bookmarks set to move to each page and the position they go to is perfect in portrait. However, in landscape they go to a different position, generally almost half way across into the page they are set for.

These bookmarks are inside a panel, altho I don’t know if that makes a difference. I also tried placing them while in landscape and it makes no difference. The panels are set to have the same layout in both landscape and portrait and objects are set the same. The bookmark is initially placed in the upper left corner of a page then moved to its permanent home.



3 Commentsto Just discovered an odd bug.

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Yes, confirmed. That’s what keeps me from designing a layout that works in both landscape and portrait.


  2. Anonymous says:

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    This is because a bookmark does not save the position as a page, but an absolute position on the desktop. Since pages are not square, the position in  landscape will not match a page in portrait.

    For instance if the screen is 600×800 in portrait, the bookmark is 1200×800, it will reach the third page on the right, and first at the bottom, but once rotated it will bring you to the middle of the second page, because the screen will then be 800×600.


  3. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    So then I’ll suggest a new feature: the ability to navigate to a specific page by bookmark or action. Don’t care how but it would make a more consistent interface possible from portrait to landscape. Can it be done?


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