Running Scripts in background: It seems like Lightning is sometimes ignoring the broadcast. Can anybody confirm this?
Running Scripts in background: It seems like Lightning is sometimes ignoring the broadcast. Can anybody confirm this?
« Hi TrianguloY and Jappie Toutenhoofd (Previous Post)
(Next Post) Pierre Hébert Could you help here ? »
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Any specific script to test?
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I noticed it while working on my script manager
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Do you think it could happen with various data, or that it could fail sometimes with the same inout data ? My idea is that if it depends on data, then it maybe that the broadcast is received but incorrectly processed inside the app, and if it doesn’t depend on data, then the root cause may be at a system level.
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Pierre Hébert it seems to be related to Android debugger. As soon as I disconnect the phone from Android studio, I get the problem once and then it works, until I hook it up again.
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That’s weird. You may have more luck with an emulator?