Ok for some reason I’m having to hit reset with almost every change in the containers now, sizes, positions,…

Ok for some reason I’m having to hit reset with almost every change in the containers now, sizes, positions, backgrounds, etc.. To make the change take effect and the geometry editor won’t show most of the time.. I didn’t do anything different tried total wipe and all 


2 Commentsto Ok for some reason I’m having to hit reset with almost every change in the containers now, sizes, positions,…

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Could it be that a script is run somewhere and modify the containers or items?

    Could you share a backup with me please?


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    +Pierre Hébert you know what I did try a script for the app drawer in any container but I was having those problems before I ever did but not as bad. I just did a white and redid it and I’m going to see if it does it again and I will dig through the last backup and see if it actually saved the stuff hopefully it did. But I don’t know why I didn’t think about that script but it did make it worse. it was still doing it before the script.


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