TrianguloYBruno-Isa LAMOUR-ARNOULD
TrianguloYBruno-Isa LAMOUR-ARNOULD
Made a little instruction video
For later reference: Script is by TrianguloY
]]>TrianguloYBruno-Isa LAMOUR-ARNOULD
Made a little instruction video
For later reference: Script is by TrianguloY
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Just one thing: you need to set it in the dummy property, not box (it works in the box? Not sure which value is returning but seems it doesn’t matter)
Anyway, thank you for creating the video, now I don’t need to make it 😛
No, really, thank you 🙂
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dummy works. box works.
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Great 😊
I’m using Text item and not displaying label
And the script in label
I confirm : the script could be at any place in bindings
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Is it possible to have the day of week = from 1 to 7 or 0 to 6
And the number of days in the month ? (28 if Feb or 30 or 31)
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Yes, but using the values from the calendar functions, remember those are not updated automatically.
var cal=Calendar.getInstance();
var week=cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)-1;
var max=cal.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);