Does anybody have a backup of the always there bar script…its a pain to copy and paste from wiki,the spacing and…
Does anybody have a backup of the always there bar script…its a pain to copy and paste from wiki,the spacing and everything is messed up…or does anyone know an easy way to copy and paste…thanks in advance
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Is it?
Can’t you just copy the code with long click? (If you are in a mobile browser)
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TrianguloY nope its not working..even tried emailing it to myself but its not coming out space wise how you have written it..pain to retype it all
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/*Settings */
//this number means the velocity of showing/hidding respectively
//1 is the default ( like the desktop ) the bigger, the faster (avoid negative numbers, between (0,1) will be slower )
var vs = 2;//show
var vh = 0.5;//hide
var cont = LL.getEvent().getContainer();
//item to move
var bar = cont.getItemByLabel(“always-bar”);
if(bar==null){alert(“Warning: no item with label ‘always-bar’ found.”);return;}
/* current position
// in case don’t exist
var contpos = cont.getPositionY();
var prev = parseInt(bar.getTag());
var d = contpos-prev;
var barpos = bar.getPositionY();
var size=bar.getScaleY() * bar.getHeight();
var posx=bar.getPositionX();
/*hide the bar */
if(d>0 && barpos>-size){
if(barpos-d*vh< -size || barpos<-size){
/*show the bar */
if(d<0 && barpos<0){
if(barpos-d*vs>0 || barpos>0){
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TrianguloY thanks worked from here…much appreciated
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I didn’t notice you can’t copy easily scripts from the wiki, I always copy them from the Google posts.
Next time you can do that, click the link and copy the script from the post.
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TrianguloY yup will do that from now on..again much appreciated foryour help…one question can i run this from a hotspot on a dock for instance,or is the up and down imbedded in the script
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Sorry, it use the scroll to show/hide the bar.
Another script to show/hide it with clicks will be possible, and not really difficult. But unfortunately I’m lack of free time at the moment.
Lukas Morawietz, you can try also if you want
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TrianguloY thanks for all your help…i appreciate it very much
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If you want to use a shortcut to toggle the bar, just use a folder as bar. Just set animation to slide and the position to top (or where you want the bar).
Not even scripting needed