Does anybody have a backup of the always there bar script…its a pain to copy and paste from wiki,the spacing and…

Does anybody have a backup of the always there bar script…its a pain to copy and paste from wiki,the spacing and everything is messed up…or does anyone know an easy way to copy and paste…thanks in advance


9 Commentsto Does anybody have a backup of the always there bar script…its a pain to copy and paste from wiki,the spacing and…

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Is it?

    Can’t you just copy the code with long click? (If you are in a mobile browser)


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    TrianguloY nope its not working..even tried emailing it to myself but its not coming out space wise how you have written it..pain to retype it all


  3. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    /*Settings */

    //this number means the velocity of showing/hidding respectively

    //1 is the default ( like the desktop ) the bigger, the faster (avoid negative numbers, between (0,1) will be slower )

    var vs = 2;//show

    var vh = 0.5;//hide

    var cont = LL.getEvent().getContainer();

    //item to move

    var bar = cont.getItemByLabel(“always-bar”);

    if(bar==null){alert(“Warning: no item with label ‘always-bar’ found.”);return;}

    /* current position

    // in case don’t exist




    var contpos = cont.getPositionY();

    var prev = parseInt(bar.getTag());

    var d = contpos-prev;


    var barpos = bar.getPositionY();

    var size=bar.getScaleY() * bar.getHeight();

    var posx=bar.getPositionX();

    /*hide the bar */

    if(d>0 && barpos>-size){

    if(barpos-d*vh< -size || barpos<-size){






    /*show the bar */

    if(d<0 && barpos<0){

    if(barpos-d*vs>0 || barpos>0){







  4. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    TrianguloY thanks worked from here…much appreciated


  5. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    I didn’t notice you can’t copy easily scripts from the wiki, I always copy them from the Google posts.

    Next time you can do that, click the link and copy the script from the post.


  6. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    TrianguloY yup will do that from now on..again much appreciated foryour help…one question can i run this from a hotspot on a dock for instance,or is the up and down imbedded in the script


  7. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Sorry, it use the scroll to show/hide the bar.

    Another script to show/hide it with clicks will be possible, and not really difficult. But unfortunately I’m lack of free time at the moment.

    Lukas Morawietz, you can try also if you want


  8. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    TrianguloY thanks for all your help…i appreciate it very much


  9. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    If you want to use a shortcut to toggle the bar, just use a folder as bar. Just set animation to slide and the position to top (or where you want the bar).

    Not even scripting needed


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