Hi all.

Hi all. Maybe this is covered elsewhere, but I wanted to suggest that the folder custom positioning vertical value also can be specified from the bottom rather than the top. To me this makes more sense, as at the moment I want my folders to be aligned with the bottom row always in the same place. Currently I have to change my vertical value when my folders gain a row. Thanks!

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3 Commentsto Hi all.

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Indeed, and I think this has been discussed some time ago. Instead of using absolute positioning, it would be nice to use relative values with alignment anchors. I can’t say however whether I will implement this in a near or distant future.


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Thanks for the response! I think it would be the best solution, but can see it would take time to implement. If there was just an extra option for ‘bottom’ instead of ‘top’ that essentially did the same thing as now, but referencing the bottom of the screen, that would be sufficient for my needs. I suspect most people would prefer it that way too. Just my 2 pence. Keep up the good work, your launcher is a awesome!


  3. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Leo X have a look at my post of yesterday, in the script section. If I’ve understood what you need it might do the trick.


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