In the script editor (could be applied to scripts in general) :

In the script editor (could be applied to scripts in general) :

Add a way to toggle RO mode (read-only), so we can move freely in the code without fear about opening the keyboard, adding, deleting, changing a char..

This could be seen as a script protector, like you can tag a script for being readable-writable (not protected) or only readable (protected).

It’s a bit like file permissions on linux (but without the executable right.. or.. maybe ?)

What do you think Pierre Hébert​ ?


3 Commentsto In the script editor (could be applied to scripts in general) :

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    I would rather see this as a script editor toggle, not a script attribute. If the goal is to prevent unwanted modification, then it makes sense to turn on/off a “Read only” switch globally, so that the user can navigate through multiple scripts without having to toggle a script attribute on each script separately.

    I have several improvements in the pipe for the script editor (such as search, etc.), I’ll see if I can implement this too.


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Yes you’re right, thanks !


  3. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Benoît de Chezelles​ Pierre Hébert​ I faced this couple of times where I’m moving around the script and accidentally a change happens. I would prefer to have an option to toggle the RO, however, the RO mode should be by default whenever I open the editor unless I toggle it from the editor screen.


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