Posted by: pierrot | on April 21, 2015
Posted in | 5 Comments » Tags:
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You can already save and load container styles. These include default item style
Oh, how’s that?
Scroll to the bottom of containers settings.
Ah, I see what you’re taking about. I guess I was unclear. I meant copying a style from an item and pasting it as the default item style of a container, and vice versa.
I’ve asked about that before he said he might look into it which I hope because I’ve wanted a way to backup styles
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You can already save and load container styles. These include default item style
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Oh, how’s that?
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Scroll to the bottom of containers settings.
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Ah, I see what you’re taking about. I guess I was unclear. I meant copying a style from an item and pasting it as the default item style of a container, and vice versa.
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I’ve asked about that before he said he might look into it which I hope because I’ve wanted a way to backup styles