/*Check the box for ‘item menu’ and run from the shortcut you want to change the ‘icon’ on.. Make sure the icon is hidden and the text font is set to the TTF file from the website..
In the past there were more icons in the Lightning menus, they were vectorial images too. I will have a look at the font to see whether some of them could replace the remaining ones (most notably in the app drawer, desktop configuration)
Pierre Hébert there’s all kinds of programs for making fonts. Ive made a few myself. (Fonts that is) There’s also hundreds of icon fonts with various styles and themes.
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/*Check the box for ‘item menu’ and run from the shortcut you want to change the ‘icon’ on.. Make sure the icon is hidden and the text font is set to the TTF file from the website..
0xF1FA – Hamburger menu
0xF292 – Back arrow
0xF298 – Forward arrow
0xF2A3 – Menu
0xF2DF – Share
var i=LL.getEvent().getItem();
var p=prompt(“char”,”0x”+char);
var s=String.fromCharCode(p);
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Am using icon fonts myself a lot, much more flexible, lossless scalable and can be of any color.
I create mine with IcoMoon (http://icomoon.io), offers a lot of base iconsets for free to choose from to create your own icon font.
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Script is a great idea BTW!
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I was thinking it may be useful for the LLX redesign because it includes all of the material design icons in one file..
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I use them as well, especially in zooper widgets. Images eat up memory.
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That’s a great idea!
In the past there were more icons in the Lightning menus, they were vectorial images too. I will have a look at the font to see whether some of them could replace the remaining ones (most notably in the app drawer, desktop configuration)
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Pierre Hébert there’s all kinds of programs for making fonts. Ive made a few myself. (Fonts that is) There’s also hundreds of icon fonts with various styles and themes.
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thomas greer And free online services as well.
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I never dug too much in the font library in the past when looking for icons, but that’s something I will not bypass in the future.
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I meant to post this before.. Its a “Cheatsheet” to see all the icons