fol LL wallpaper, please enable zoom in/ zoom out for picture.

fol LL wallpaper, please enable zoom in/ zoom out for picture. Why? For example i have 1920×1080 displej, when i use position to center, everytime i have small picture on desktop, if i use postion for heigt and weight, everytime i have terrible wallpaper ;-). I cannot crop picture to 1920×1080 because preview picture is small (photo is more bigger than 1920×1080).

Pierre Hébert 

For example, i will set somthing as [0,0][1080,1920] and for example zooming to 50% from original camera picture.


7 Commentsto fol LL wallpaper, please enable zoom in/ zoom out for picture.

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    If you want to end up with 1080×1920, and you crop your original to smaller than that and enlarge (zoom, whatever you want to call it) you are ALWAYS going to have lower quality image, no matter how you do it.

    There’s only so many pixels to work with.

    The only solution is to not crop to such a small image.


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    i have more bigger source photo (2592 x 4608), and i need select only 1080×1920 for wallpaper.


  3. Anonymous says:

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    Ok, I think I understand now.

    You are talking about in the wallpaper cropper itself to help you more accurately crop?

    I think with very large images, your suggestion in addition to a change in crop value entry would help.

    Instead of left/top and bottom/right absolute position values entry, it would be better if we could specify size first (1080×1920) for a crop window, that could then be moved around without changing size.


  4. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Yes, i can optimalize image in some picture editor, and use finaly picture as wallpaper. But this is not comfort. And in image picker is option use camera source…


  5. Anonymous says:

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    One issue is that a large image has to be downscaled before to be loaded into memory, otherwise it rapidly exceeds apps limits. This downscale cannot be done precisely, but with a power of two factor (2, 4, 8). As a consequence a 2592 x 4608 image will be downscaled to 648 x 1152  (factor 4) so that both dimensions are less or equal to the screen size, which is small.


  6. Anonymous says:

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    I suppose you can do to find out how much resolution the user has. Image source would therefore set slightly larger than the display resolution.


  7. Anonymous says:

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    Unfortunately not slightly because of the power of two factor, it is imprecise.

    There is a tool to decode only regions of bitmaps in Android, it is not available for all android versions, but maybe I can use it somehow to crop the image using a small preview, then load a larger bitmap using another mechanism. That’s not simple but could work. I will see what I can do.


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