When user doing set text size… right now they can write number or tap to + or -.

When user doing set text size… right now they can write number or tap to + or -.

it will be good, when user set some number, they see true size (how big or small is text with number for example 10 on his device). When set 14, text will bigger than 10, when set 5, text will smaller than 10, etc. Pierre Hébert


3 Commentsto When user doing set text size… right now they can write number or tap to + or -.

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    when select font style, here is texts: normal, bold, italic, bold and italic (all text dont have style).

    Here, can be show, how text will be. Normal (nothing style), bold will bold (in html Bold), Italic will italic, etc.


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    What do you think? Pierre Hébert​


  3. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Yes, this could be an improvement to quickly visualize how the text will look like. I can work for the text style, but it may become problematic for the text size because it changes the layout and the -/+ buttons position. I can try with a fixed box size, or to put the text under the buttons and slider.


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