Function request/idea

Function request/idea

Can you please think about/reconsider such features? LLauncher would be more user friendly with those.

1. In App Drawer: After creating a folder like Games have ability to move multiple apps there. Long press empty space then choose add apps. Now its grayed out. Then view goes back to app drawer and user can choose which apps move to folder.

When I organize App Drawer it takes a lot of time

2. Can you please add ability to add shadow to icons/folders and their text labels? It would improve readability and looks nice, like in Samsung Galaxy S6

3. I have a lot of widgets. Actually I have to swipe trough very long list of widgets to find one. Can you please please add ability to group widgets with same name? When I have Zooper Widget it could be “Zooper Widget” group and then when I touch it it would show a list with all possible sizes to choose.

4. Can you please add more visual way to choose widget too? Like a little preview of a widget?

5. Since I updated to Android Lollipop I got annoying issue. When I install new app it creates automaticly icon in desktop. I unthicked in Play Store” create shortcut for new apps” but it still adds new icon every time. Is it possible to somehow block this? It ruins my homescreen

6. Can you please add ability to choose LLauncher color accent from orange to different one?

7. When I’m in app drawer and choose to add item big popup comes and lots of options are not use able/grayed out/disabled. Maybe just hide them where user cannot use them? It would be cleaner look

8. When I’m in edit mode in desktop and want to resize widget or other item there are lines that I have to pull/strech with my finger to resize object. Problem is they are very hard to see. They are too thin and handlers are too small and thin too. Color of those is not a big problem with dark wallpaper but when I have light color wallpaper I can’t find them. Please add ability to change their thickness and color.

Great work, your launcher is better and better with each update. Have a nice spring time 🙂


2 Commentsto Function request/idea

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Label/Text shadows is there.

    edit-mode –> text –> scroll down, there’s shadow properties.


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    For 1) I understand the need for this although I have a really different idea about the app drawer. If I could, I would ditch it in favor of a simple app picker. The reason is that the focus of Lightning is to create a customized desktop with apps you need under the finger, and in the end the app drawer should become useless. It should only be there to pick apps to add to the desktop or folder. Maybe I should disable the app drawer in future version for new installs…

    2) Indeed shadow is available for text, but not for icon. I think that shadow for icon is on the TODO list though.

    3) and 4) This is on the TODO list too… The current screen is the default Android one, but this screen saw no evolution over time.

    5) Lightning doesn’t add new icons on the desktop by itself. If the Play app is not responsible for this, then I don’t know which component is triggering this shortcut addition 🙁

    6) No, values are stored in style files which require a rebuild to be taken into account.

    7) It has been considered, but in the end I selected the grayed out option for consistency with the desktop behavior.

    8) I will see what I can do with handles sizes. But maybe other settings like this one could be gathered into a generic accessibility option that could configure a set of parameters. Do you think at other tuning that could fit in this option?


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