In fact this is not a transition, because transitions only involve two desktops. By contrast the cover flow requires a snapshot of all desktops before to be displayed. This is what makes it significantly more expensive (except if you have 2 desktops). Moreover the mirror effect in itself is far from being cheap.
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It need to be implemented. Not that this is much complex but this is a bit expensive.
That’s pretty nice though… So we’ll see…
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Currently use something similar on both my Wii’s…
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In the video…the way the games progress from one to another, that style is called cover flow…
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You can have transition effects when you scroll to diffrent desktops.
Make each desktop screen sized then chamge the transition to what you like best.
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Tried that, it was nice, but couldn’t get the over all effect…
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Pierre Hébert so your saying adding other desktop transitions is expensive. Or are there system ones you can use that are cheaper.
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In fact this is not a transition, because transitions only involve two desktops. By contrast the cover flow requires a snapshot of all desktops before to be displayed. This is what makes it significantly more expensive (except if you have 2 desktops). Moreover the mirror effect in itself is far from being cheap.
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I wasn’t thinking of it as a desktop transition, but more for apps…