Pierre Hébert​​ remember I asked before about a actual page bookmark shortcut to make it more flexible?

Pierre Hébert​​ remember I asked before about a actual page bookmark shortcut to make it more flexible? I find it would be helpful a lot of times when the goto desktop and position isn’t nailing it just right. Also await to have a shortcut that scrolls through a desktops pages either vertically or horizontally with an option to choose like a desktops normal scroll options kind of. It would just be kind of cool to set a Swipe on a shortcut that was quote in a certain direction that you need so you can use the standard scrolling gestures for something else. I got the idea by playing with total launcher which really blows for gestures there’s hardly any lol but believe it or not I’m actually mixing both of the launchers together at the moment and getting some very cool results. I wanna pin a lil gesture pad to scroll down pages and use desktop gesture to scroll desktops.. That’s similar to the bookmark shortcut I guess but I was just curious thanks man


One Commentto Pierre Hébert​​ remember I asked before about a actual page bookmark shortcut to make it more flexible?

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Oh I’m sure it’s possible jus about anything is with script, I jus have not gotten started good learning yet and can’t load a script and get it working right for shit lol so I was just curious how much trouble it would be to implement some kind of quick easy short cut to do something similar but I can come pretty close taking some very long out-of-the-way routes using a bunch of extra steps that the Shortcuts when save. But I would truly love to learn how to use script properly and eventually start writing it and more, these guys here are geniuses huh


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