Stop points are in v8.6b1

Stop points are in v8.6b1

This includes:

– Stop points that also stop dragging, not just scrolling

– Stop points in a given direction (up, down, left, right)

– Snap to stop point

That’s for the good news. Now for the bad: I removed the older “Use auto scroll stops” option, it was really odd to keep it. I recommend to either use Snap to pages, or use new stop points.

Also there is a new option in the General section to show stop points even if not in edit mode. This should help when setting up stop points.

This version is available to anyone : I wanted to publish it as beta first, but I incorrectly pushed the button, et voila, it is on the production channel now, lol.

Have fun !


18 Commentsto Stop points are in v8.6b1

  1. Anonymous says:

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    Chris sledge 🙁

    In theory it should work quite well, but you never know… And Google Play didn’t allow me to rollback…


  2. Anonymous says:

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    Birger A Ruud I hope you will be able to build even more amazing setups !


  3. Anonymous says:

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    Thanks, Pierre Hébert . Amazing work. I cannot wait to test it (by now, only v8.5.1is available on Play Store)


  4. Anonymous says:

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    Good morning Pierre, who is this version please


  5. Anonymous says:

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    Hamza Khan lol, if I knew you would die of happiness, I would have unpublished the app, I didn’t want to kill you 🙂 Anyway, RIP !


  6. Anonymous says:

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    Josh Gray yes indeed this is really different.  It is easy to get lost if too many stop points are set too 🙂


  7. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre HĂ©bert maybe if these were pinnable, in the same way everything else is, we could use fewer?


  8. Anonymous says:

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    Btw, it’s working great… I love this feature!


  9. Anonymous says:

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    Brilliant, +Pierre HĂ©bert . After some testing, new stop points work perfectly. Scroll is now much more accurate. Only one question: is there a way to avoid scroll beyond stop points? On the other hand, if I stop scroll in a point placed before the stop point, scroll stops too, so I’m not sure if I’m getting swap function work correctly. Am I missing some new option?. As always, thanks for your work


  10. Anonymous says:

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    Chris Chastain in fact this would not work because the launcher detects when a screen edge crosses a stop point. Hence if a stop point is pinned, it will never be crossed.


  11. Anonymous says:

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    Javier RodrĂ­guez GarcĂ­a have a look at the barrier switch. It will really prevent going beyond a scroll point (though there are few tricks to bypass this barrier…).

    Regarding snapping, well this is tricky and there are several cases:

    – if you stop dragging without moving : LL will snap to the nearest snapping point

    – if you stop dragging but with some enough speed, ll will look for the nearest point in the direction of the move only, maybe this would explain that it does not snap in your case ?


  12. Anonymous says:

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    Josh Gray , thanks. Indeed, that’s my target (stop point as a barrier) but, how do you get this?. I place the stop point at the edge of my sidebar (I mean, the end of the last column), but scroll still can reach the end of that screen, beyond the stop point.


  13. Anonymous says:

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    Javier RodrĂ­guez GarcĂ­a: try to turn off ‘desktop wide’ï»ż snapping


  14. Anonymous says:

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    Oh, silly me!. I’ve missed the new customnize function!. Simply amazing, it works great!


  15. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre HĂ©bert thank you master. My favorite feature is here . I am eager to test it. Thank ypu for your hard work


  16. Anonymous says:

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    Javier RodrĂ­guez GarcĂ­a ciuld we make a video example of this new feature.. wew is gerd ???


  17. Anonymous says:

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    brilliant Pierre HĂ©bert, fantastic work, barriers are great, single direction stopping is bliss, it will take a while to get my head around snapping as i am finding some SP’s are bypassed when one is set to snap and differently configured ones all seem to want to snap to th bottom, snapping is almost made redundant by th stop dragging but i will keep trying to use th snapping, although a barrier can be passed by a snapping stop point, thanks for th new features :-)ï»ż


  18. Anonymous says:

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    Gustavo Luis Soto , I’m still trying to understand how some new functions work. By now, everything’s perfect, I just don’t get the snap function. One way or another, always I customize one of my stop points with that option, they stop working correctly. I’ve placed two stop points per side bar (one on each edge), the same with bottom and upper bar and all is working fine, except if I select the snapping option for any of them. If I do so, barriers don’t act in some cases.

    Anyway, it’s not a big deal. Everything is fine if I disable snapping option


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