

I am calling beta testers again to thoroughly test this release, because this is a special one. Stress it, shake it, turn it upside down without pity !

While adding support for panels, I felt like this was not enough for a single release… So I went on and started to tackle another long awaited feature 🙂 Afterall, Christmas is almost in a week, isn’t it ?

The special thing in this release is the new combined grid/free mode. Well, in fact there is no more mode at all. You have a grid, some items, and those items can simply be detached and attached again to this grid, and that’s all. It was like a mountain ride, but now it’s done. And the truth is that this is much more easy this way.

And, in case you may feel this is not enough, I have also dropped one limitation for background images (box and folders): in addition to nine patches, it is now possible to use any kind of image (but no animated gif… yet).

And a few other goodies:

– allow Template files to be reloaded from the backup/restore screen (without an APK, directly from a file). Such template files can be renamed and shared (email, dropbox, drive, etc.). APKs will still ensure a way larger audience though.

– restablish pin attribute copy when copying the style

– icons in menu have been removed

Enjoy !


17 Commentsto v9.0.b1

  1. Anonymous says:

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    I want something special for Christmas and New Year moment…



  2. Anonymous says:

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    WOWWW Pierre thank you, it`s been a busy and special year for you..!! But the rewards are yet to come… Thank you again for your hard work and give us this fantastic launcher


  3. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre, you are a magician! Incredible how much time and effort you invest in Lightning Launcher currently.

    How can we ever thank you??? You deserve a biiig christmas present from all us all (too bad you don’t want donations), which keeps you distracted from LL just for a while (not too long, though ;-)). Please post us an Amazon wishlist.

    Can’t wait to get my claws on 9.0, hope it will show up as update soon. Personally I will focus on inheritance, since lately I used this a lot. Did you do anything here?

    I’m not a big fan (yet?) of free-mode, but might be handy i.e. if I could rotate items by 90 degrees.

    Also template import is great, simplifies my testing on various devices, thanks a lot for this — and everything.


  4. Anonymous says:

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    I like this idea of combined grid/free mode!


  5. Anonymous says:

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    Lutz Linke I agree with you he deserves a big Christmas present from all of us !!


  6. Anonymous says:

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    EDIT: 9.0.b.1 just showed up at Play, am already testing myself!

    EDIT 2: Tested “stop at pages” works now. But layout is broken, see bug report.

    One question (since 9.0b1 still is not available at Play): I found that scrolling in panels did not snap at pages, had to add multiple stop points. Is that fixed? Or was it simply my stupidity?


  7. Anonymous says:

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    thks a lot Pierre Hébert !


  8. Anonymous says:

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    Wow, unified mode and normal background image, thumbs up! ^_^b

    BTW, I have one small question. Pierre Hébert 

    “allow Template files to be reloaded…” is this a new feature? I think it has been already possbile before this version.. am I misunderstood?


  9. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert

    After the update the only panel I use went a bit bonkers – it’s supposed to be 2 columns and 6 rows, vertically scrollable, now the icons are stretched wider but still act they are only one column wide (can’t shrink them).

    If I set the panel width 2 columns, I can only see one row of icons and the rectangle marking the home location surrounds only is column.

    If I set it to 3,i can see the second row partially.

    When I set out to 4 I can see the 2 columns.

    The results are same when I change the panels width.

    Haven’t had the time to try with a new panel yet, just finished my “English for science and research” exam.

    Let me know what to try/do first!


  10. Anonymous says:

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    Regarding panels layout, I forgot to mention that I changed the way the grid is computed 🙁

    In the alpha release, the size of the panel was divided by the number of columns/rows to compute the cell size. Now panels use the main desktop size as the reference to compute the grid size. The reason is that it allows a more natural placement of items, generally one cell in the desktop is equal to one cell in the panel, unless you change the grid setting in the desktop or the panel.

    Does it make sense ?


  11. Anonymous says:

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    Inheritance also is not implemented as expected. Panels seem to behandled technically like separate desktops — but logically they’re not.

    Settings defined at desktop level (items’ icon, text, box) should inherit as default to panels and folders and items contained in those containers. Unless they are overridden at some point in the chain at which the override becomes the new default for children.

    Currently the chain is broken at panel (maybe also folder), which itself defines new root settings.

    I can imagine LL technically does not work that simple in regard to hierarchies. But from a users point of view this is not as expected.

    Sorry to write this critic, I’m still 100% a LL user and full of respect for Pierre’s work. But he asked for it 😉


  12. Anonymous says:

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    No problem Lutz Linke , criticism must be accepted as long as this is the truth 😉

    I was aware of the problem but I forgot to add it on my bug list, and so I forgot 🙁 Definitely, panels should be considered as sub items of the desktop, as well as their own items, and so on. In fact panels are folders (they inherit from folders and specialize them 😉 ), but  folders inheritance is broken, and so it is for panels 🙁


  13. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert Interesting to know panels inherit from folders. And good to know one fix would fix both 🙂 Also makes me think the panel layout “bug” might be easy to fix also, since folders already have independent layouts grin

    Oh, by the way: the current options to position and size folders work good so far, however in addition to top and height (left and width), would it be possible to please add settings for right and bottom also? Sometimes it’s easier to define left and right (think of “margins”) instead of width (requires calculation width of screen minus left minus width = width I have to enter). Just a thought…


  14. Anonymous says:

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    Thenk you onca again, Pierre Hébert !!

    Set the panel grid to match the desktop’s grid and everything is back to how it was supposed to look!

    Is it just me or is pinch to zoom while editing a panel’s layout not possible at the moment? I’ve found myself on several occasions when I outomatically zoom out, but instead of the panel the hole desktop moves.

    And a question for the whole audience – what’s the best way you have found to edit small/narrow panels? Just stretch it bigger while editing? Perhaps the panel’s layout editing would be more comfortable when it went fullscreen? Thoughts?


  15. Anonymous says:

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    Taavo Allik: the best is to go to edit mode in the desktop/panel/folder that has the panel, zoom in, and then edit the panel.

    And yes, pinch to zoom is not possible (bug?)


  16. Anonymous says:

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    More a current limitation than a bug 😉 But it will certainly be addressed anyway !


  17. Anonymous says:

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    New features work great. I noticed, however, that spacing is a little messed up now. Before 9.x, the box coloring for widgets flowed seamlessly between two widgets next to each other, now some of them have a 1px gap, and it changes depending on how you scale them.

    I also ran into this issue with it leaving a 1px gap between the object and the bottom of the screen.


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