

No more in beta status !

But this is does not mean it is bug free 😉

I nevertheless think it is stable enough to reach a wider audience. And I would like to give a big THANK to everybody here that took the risk to install unstable versions, had to cope with some serious bugs (including some that required a Nandroid restore 😉 ) and most importantly reported issues with detailed explanations, screenshots and videos. Seriously you are GREAT.

To sum up this version compared with the previous 8.8.7 version

– addition of panels,

– combined grid/free mode,

– support for any image as background,

– allow template files to be loaded without being package in an APK

– reworked menu,

– add long press events for menu and back keys,

– and a few crash fixes (to compensate for new ones).

Enjoy !


13 Commentsto v9.0

  1. Anonymous says:

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    Thank YOU, Pierre!


  2. Anonymous says:

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    Fabulous work Pierre! Thank you!


  3. Anonymous says:

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    Thank you sir



  4. Anonymous says:

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    U sir are the man.


  5. Anonymous says:

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    I just have to say I hate this launcher. It is a total productivity killer. I spend at least 30 minutes a day tweaking something. I started with stop points, then moved on to folders, now panels, and more. This launcher had the best features of every other launcher and so much more. It’s like the others are a canvas with just crayons where here we get oil, watercolors, acrylics, sculptures, and more. If you dream it , llx can do it. 


  6. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert it is always a pleasure to hunt bugs for a responsive and very capable programmer such as you my friend! Thank you for such a beautiful piece of software!


  7. Anonymous says:

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    Menu buttons sorted thanks for the quick fix


  8. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert  allow template files to be loaded without being package in an APK , is this feature a new one? I think it was possible before. Maybe has it a distintion?


  9. Anonymous says:

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    KyungJoon Lee: template loading includes a number of postprocessing operations, such as scaling sizes according to screen size, translating LL into LLX shortcuts and vice versa or recreate widgets. Simple restore is much more simpler because it aims to be a 1:1 operation.


  10. Anonymous says:

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    Thanks back – rarely seen a developer reacting that quickly 😉


  11. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre merci à toi pour ce travail accompli. Pour ce superbe laucher, qui est très léger, avec tous ces fonctions. Bonne fête à toi et tous les tiens…. Pour moi bientôt dans les sévennnes… ;-()


  12. Anonymous says:

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    Thanks Pierre. None better.


  13. Anonymous says:

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    Chris sledge Thanks for your sharing of 23 nice templates  🙂

    Pierre Hébert I’ve thought that a template made from Backup&Restore can be loaded by other users(phones/ll/llx) with no/little problems, but B&Rs purpose was really to backup my current desktops and restore it, so compatibiliy was not sought.

    A template with compatibility is only one made from  *Export for APK* . From version 9, that template also can be loaded by Backup & Restore.

    So If I want to share some teplates, then I had better create templates from Export for APK, not from B&R, right?

    I was very curious about that new features meaning. Thank you Pierre.


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