v9.9.15 beta

v9.9.15 beta

I would like to call this version a release candidate. I hope the beta is now working well enough to reach a stable status. No doubt there are a bunch of things to improve, but it’s time to move on. Don’t refrain yourself to report bugs though 😉


– add an option to configure overlap between transparent bars and the content (default is no overlap)

– change the default value for transparent bars to yes

workaround for background color not drawn behind status and navigation bars in the LLX app drawer (works for opaque colors, not transparent ones)

– fix a bug when merging templates that could lead to duplicated and shared desktops

– fix a couple of crashes

– don’t limit anymore item scale change to 1000

– allow for configuration of item selection for any kind of item, not just shortcuts and folders

– script: add LL.isPaused()


20 Commentsto v9.9.15 beta

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Ll.isPaused()?? What’s that!?


  2. Anonymous says:

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  3. Anonymous says:

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    TrianguloY the doc will be updated soon 🙂


  4. Anonymous says:

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    stable? Pierre Hébert the only thing that concerns me is that the confirmed stable release was 9.3 correct? if this becomes stable would that be 9.4? or would it be 9.15?


  5. Anonymous says:

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    Curtis Sylvester Jr. It will be 10.0

    Pierre Hébert “when the launcher is not displayed” … and … how a script can be executed without the launcher active? (Sorry, I can’t think now…maybe with the custom script menu launched from an intent? )


  6. Anonymous says:

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    if thats true then the users who have lived ages with 9.3 are gonna wonder why they never seen 4-9 hahahaha


  7. Anonymous says:

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    I’m looking forward to it GooglePlay will offer to download.


  8. Anonymous says:

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    I got it now 🙂


  9. Anonymous says:

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    9.15 is here. stable version. 1 minor bug (freaking annoying) even in 9.14 just minutes ago on the lockscreen my screen sleeps even though my devices system setting is set to NEVER sleep. its annoying but it kinda happens if i unlock the device, then turn the screen off then back on after 20 seconds.


  10. Anonymous says:

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    no longer schizo 🙂 beta is back on its meds… as always excellent 🙂


  11. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert you forgot to mention the font change in the editor.

    The new overlap with status bar don’t work in Samsung devices (at least in galaxy tab 2) I mean, the status bar don’t let the items go under it. You can only see the wallpaper, nothing more.

    I just thought…the 10.0 change log will be..a bit..long. :P


  12. Anonymous says:

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    10.0 change log? im on 9.15


  13. Anonymous says:

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    Curtis Sylvester Jr. “…will be…”

    I mean when finally Pierre publish it as no-beta.


  14. Anonymous says:

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    TrianguloY in fact “paused” refers to the Android activity life cycle. It goes through a sequence of create, start, resume and pause, stop, destroy. When an activity (a screen) is active and/or visible to the user, it is generally “resumed”, when it is hidden (generally) it is paused, but at this moment iit does not mean the app is destroyed: it can continue to react to some events and execute code. Maybe the result will not be visible, but the app is still running.

    James Simmons I believe this is because of the way LL is invoked. The current way reactivates its home screen activity, Android displays LL and resume it. There is another way which could be used to send a signal to LL which is a broadcast. In that case I think it would behave as expected.


  15. Anonymous says:

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    its still unclear as how a 9.3 current stable would jump up to v10 when there wasnt a 9.4 – 9.9. theres already 1 comment in another post from someone using 9.3 asking when they would see an update and i fear it could turn ugly.


  16. Anonymous says:

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    I think that calling it version 10 is appropriate, because there are major changes from the previous version. But heck, Pierre can call it Fred if he wants to … it will be good regardless


  17. Anonymous says:

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    Curtis Sylvester Jr. The truth is that the 9.4 version never existed. From 9.3 it jumped to 9.9 alpha.

    This is because the number version pierre is using (and a lot of other programs) is: three numbers, 0.0.0

    First number: big changes, like panels, script…(But sometimes with medium changes if the previous version is .9)

    Second number: medium changes, the normal ones.

    Third number: beta changes and fast fixs

    That’s why from 9.3 it will jump to 10.0, because script are a very big new feature, as well as others included in this version too.


  18. Anonymous says:

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    Also using 9 or 99 for the minor number (second number) is a “tradition”  when the version is in alpha or beta status and it is already known that the next stable version will be a major one.

    To sum up:

    9.3 is stable

    9.9 is the pre release of stable 10 because scripting is a major change

    10.0.1 will be released a couple hours after 10.0 because no matter how I try, I always have to fix some emergency bug after an important update 🙁

    10.1 will contain new features, but not groundbreaking ones.

    and so on


  19. Anonymous says:

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    oh ok that explains it for me im just worried about those who havent seen an update since 9.3


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