v10.4b3 beta

v10.4b3 beta

Edit 10.4b4 is following

Well, not progressing too much on multi selection but instead extending script capabilities (because I like that…)

A couple of funny additions are impatiently waiting to be used in this third beta:

– (experimental) ability to directly handle touch events (albeit single finger yet). A sample code here: http://www.pierrox.net/android/applications/lightning_launcher/wiki/doku.php?id=script_paint_free_hand

– a new Script object to manipulate scripts through… scripts. A notable use is Script.getText() with eval, but I see a few other very special use cases for this new class…

And several important fixes as usual.


5 Commentsto v10.4b3 beta

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    …do you mean it’s possible to “include” other scripts as libraries through Script.getText()? That’d be great!! Gonna try it tonight.


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Yeah, just looked at the documentation. Quite dangerous functions 😉 But looks like what I have in mind is possible: use getText to include some sort of library I currently have redundantly.

    (Damn, will I ever get my current WIP ever done? Working on current screen for months now. Stop adding features ;-))


  3. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Yes, this is the purpose. This way scripts can be dynamically “included” but this has a performance impact because these scripts have to be compiled at run time. I cannot quantify this impact at he moment, hence I marked this use case as experimental.

    I will suggest to publish your WIP asap, because LL is itself a WIP, lol 😉


  4. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Will try tonight. If inclusion only causes a minor lag initially, it should be okay.

    Will try to give at least a tease this week. Depends on LLx 10.4’s beta, so not ready for public.

    Is it possible to query LL’s version from script? That would allow to skip certain functionality (i.e. alpha) in versions lower than that.


  5. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Skip that… Template exported with 10.4 can’t be imported in 10.3 anyway.


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