V10.7b4 New beta with tons of stuff (too much)

V10.7b4 New beta with tons of stuff (too much)

Edit: V10.7b5 published with fixes only.

It was longer than expected but I hope this version is worth the wait. Still, there will be at least one other beta before the release, so please be patient 😉

So what’s new here?

There’s a new “Add item” dialog. I mean: really new. While it may looks like a small screen, I believe this is instead a big feature that will really make things smoother for everybody.

What else? Oh yes, I remember, there is a new item type “Page Indicator”. Several styles are available, they are fairly basic but customizable anyway.

And that’s all? No, wait, there’s also an improved script editor. I am experimenting some UI changes to deliver more screen estate to code. Please let me know how it works for you.

Also included in this beta are a few minor improvements and bug fixes. Please check the ChangeLog for completeness.

But as always, be careful: this is a beta, and my propensity to leave big bugs even in release builds make this new version dangerous to test. The more new stuff in the app, the more bugs will remain… 

Full ChangeLog:



39 Commentsto V10.7b4 New beta with tons of stuff (too much)

  1. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre HĂ©bert In change log you write about “need to update language packs too”. Can you publish new Czech (CZ) and Slovak (SK) packs? Slovak package was in a terrible state. I arranged his complete translated (by a native speaker).


  2. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre HĂ©bert I have good idea… Please public new LL (free) to google play. Nothing changes since the last release. Only add somewhere highly visible information. The development of free versions ended. Please purchase the paid version of Lightning Launcher extreme. I think that many users still have not understood the above condition.

    (Judging by the number of download a free version compared to the paid version. And also according to the download language packs). Maybe create for this info new variable for translating web site…


  3. Anonymous says:

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    10.7b4 – I got it 🙂


  4. Anonymous says:

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    This is a BIG update.

    I found some unexpected behaviors (no bugs yet), I’ll post them after testing all new things!


  5. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre HĂ©bert​​​ This beta provides a default initial setup that is immediately usable by novices and first-time users which is good. Can I suggest that the 3 widgets .. Manage, Language and Tutorials .. be embedded in a single widget titled something like LLX tools, apps, tutorial which when clicked opens a folder with the individual items. The way they are currently scattered across various pages looks “untidy” … if I can use that word. Also it would now also be appropriate for this version to have its own default LLX wallpaper … in the style of Lollipop’s material design I thinkï»ż.ï»ż


  6. Anonymous says:

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    Danbar Danbar I will update language packs when the version is out of beta because language packs that contains strings for the beta are not compatible with release version. I am worried about the free version, maybe I will have to do something for it anyway.

    Harry Buskes thanks for the suggestion, but in fact I plan to do to much more. The current setup is not ready, this is why I remained silent about it. I will probably make a side bar somewhere, with some “start here” icon. It will have a few important links such as the wiki or the community, but not only.


  7. Anonymous says:

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    I forgot to explain why icons are currently spread on three pages: I just wanted to make more space to test the page indicator, which looks better with a dot in the middle of three, lol !


  8. Anonymous says:

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    Understood. As I watched, it will have a lot of new text to be translated (for new 10.7.b4). Please add the necessary variables to the translation page. I would like to translate what they need before they issue a new package.

    And very well-known bugs:

    tmpl_b (Make a backup first)

    tmpl_warn_m (The template is ready to be applied but some warnings have been found:)

    are translated, but visible only in english.


  9. Anonymous says:

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    Yes, this is why the pack need to be update too: sometime the issue is in the app, sometimes in the language pack, but since I cannot update the language pack now it is still untranslated in the beta.


  10. Anonymous says:

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    Strings are up to date 🙂

    (I may add a few one in the next beta, I am not sure)


  11. Anonymous says:

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    Script editors wicked line numbers and a navdrawer 🙂 could you add an option to disable the autorotate though my device is locked in portrait but script editor still rotates.

    Also is the badge option new or have I just not noticed it before.


  12. Anonymous says:

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    wow, indicator can change style… (dots, horizontal line, vertical line, mini map, textual).


  13. Anonymous says:

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    I can’t post it on Play Store so i post it here 😉 :

    (Five Stars)


    You need some time to explore and handle the capabilities, but it is absolutely woth the effort! Keep it up! Awesome new beta features (esp. the script editor and add item dialog!) 😉


  14. Anonymous says:

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    Sidebar!! Awesome.

    Not able to add apps to the folder by long-press . Anybody else having this issue?


  15. Anonymous says:

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    Cory Moddelmog Pierre Hébert  Confirm, i have same problem. By long press cannot add any items to folder. Only by putting exist item to folder.


  16. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre HĂ©bert  Besides about 4 new texts have everything translated. I think you’re missing one variable.

    ai_(something)    Page indicator (for add items)  – or you mean this variable? pi (Page indicator)


  17. Anonymous says:

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    Danbar Danbar I just loaded (merged) a saved template and now the long-press works.


  18. Anonymous says:

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    That new add menu is great!


  19. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre HĂ©bert​ The default install setup is great and with your “Start Here” sidebar idea will make it a great Playstore public release. To anyone that does not know about or had not used LLX it may at first appearance look like a variation of many other launchers … until you look “under the hood” … where you see what this beast can do and where you can take it. That will be part of the marketing challenge.


  20. Anonymous says:

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    When will it be on Google play store?


  21. Anonymous says:

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    Mik lalo

     if you need beta by google play, click to this link: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/net.pierrox.lightning_launcher_extreme  after confirm button, you have automatically upgrade for this new beta…


  22. Anonymous says:

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    Danbar Danbar awesome thanks for the beta version I like llx a lot this is my number one launcher.


  23. Anonymous says:

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    The badge and dynamic text cannot change the type, always show Gmail.


  24. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert Will be the Kustom Live Wallpaper hotspots issue be fixed in the next beta/before the 10.7 stable release?


  25. Anonymous says:

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    Madeesh Kannan yes, probably.


  26. Anonymous says:

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    Hey Pierre HĂ©bert​, I LOVE the page indicators 😀

    Only two things I miss a bit:

    – undo, undo, undo

    – ability to make an invisible item visible and editable via item hierarchy menu

    Thanks for your great work!


  27. Anonymous says:

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    AndrĂ© BonhĂŽte undo is not for now nor tomorrow 🙁 Although this would be definitely more than welcome. Do you mean visibility as set in the app drawer or visibility set through scripts ?


  28. Anonymous says:

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    So many new toys! Sidebars and dialogs and page indicators oh my! 🙂


  29. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre HĂ©bert no undo, pity… Regarding invisible items: I had an empty item today to act as a swipe region. I made it too narrow, so it vanished. The only way forward was delete and recreate.


  30. Anonymous says:

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    Strange, even if too narrow, it should still be there in the item hierarchy.


  31. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre HĂ©bert​ I just installed the beta. Thank you for the new Script-Editor. Word wrap would be nice and an ability to change the font size. On the S3-mini you are scrolling every time in all directions. But now I can see more than two and a half lines with opened keyboard. 👍


  32. Anonymous says:

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    Wordrap will be there, but not font size selection, although I just added this to the TODO LIST.


  33. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre HĂ©bert it’s there, but I don’t see a way to make it bigger again. Hence the undo feature request.


  34. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre HĂ©bert another question, probably not related to the beta: how did you grayscale the icons in the default setup? I like it, but I don’t see how it’s done.


  35. Anonymous says:

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    this is done through the colorize option in the item icon settings


  36. Anonymous says:

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    miss ‘immersive mode’


  37. Anonymous says:

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    when I see the list of changes between 10.6.5 and 10.7b6 and those who will move straight to the next stable version will look very.


  38. Anonymous says:

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    Look very what ?

    Yes, the list is long, but this is also because everything is detailed (well, almost everything!) and there are a lot of bug fixes, lol!

    But in the end, there aren’t so many new things: there are page indicators, a new style (including a new default setup), an improved script editor, a new add item menu. All other things are quite minor features 😉

    But I think I will stop the list here. There are still a few things to fix and improve but I feel this is enough for now. Update soon !


  39. Anonymous says:

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