

I was hoping to release it as stable… but Android development is becoming increasingly difficult.

I am currently struggling with the support of Android 6, which is everything but trivial. Support for floating desktop should work again on 6 but the new permission handling is giving me headaches.

As of today, Lightning will display some notice about permission, try to avoid crashes, and that’s all. Nothing more. I will not wade throughout the code and add permission checks and request their activation everywhere the app needs to do something, this is just beyond me (at the moment). And I don’t even speak of scripts…

OK, end of my moaning 😉

What it means exactly is that the app may not behave as expected or it may behave strangely: in this case please have a look at permissions. I’ll try to improve things over time.

This beta doesn’t contain sensitive modifications, but it is the first to be built using the new SDK. Differences in behavior can be expected, including on version before Android 6.

For these reasons I am once again asking your help, dear Beta Testers, to check for possible regressions.

Full ChangeLog can be found here: http://www.lightninglauncher.com/wordpress/change-log/ ‎


23 Commentsto V12.7b6

  1. Anonymous says:

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    I will testing everyrhing… , but i have only kitkat…


  2. Anonymous says:

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    Right now i got b6


  3. Anonymous says:

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    Thank you for moaning (with description included) 😀

    wish the best for you and LLX, I hope LLX will be compatible with all android version


  4. Anonymous says:

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    What are your problems with permission handling?

    I recently updated the repostiory importer for that, so maybe I can help?


  5. Anonymous says:

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    Thanks for your help Lukas Morawietz The issue is to check whether the permission is granted or not. By default they are turned off on Android 6 (at least this is what I see on the emulator). The consequence is that things that used to work previously may not work anymore. For instance creating backups doesn’t work right after you install the app on 6.

    The app should check that READ and WRITE storage permissions are enabled before to attempt to create an archive (or even before to list the existing archives), ask the user to grant the permission, then back to the application continue the task that was initiated. This is rather easy for simple tasks. This is less easy to parse the whole code for permission needs : for instance picking a font needs access to storage too,  exporting a temp script file to be read by an external editor too, picking an external image, etc. And above all it is time consuming. Some permissions are not even listed in the Android permission screen, you need to write custom code for this (ie: the floating desktop).


  6. Anonymous says:

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    Ah yes, SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW. This is really fucked up. Apparently google doesn’t want apps to use this anymore. Helpful here is Settings.canDrawOverlays and Intent(Settings.ACTION_MANAGE_OVERLAY_PERMISSION).

    Regarding code parsing: I’d help you with that too, but I’d need the code for that.

    It seems like you are already beyond the step in which I could’ve helped :/


  7. Anonymous says:

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    Danbar Danbar I am 100% sure you are the one who discovered the most bugs in this app 😉

    Lukas Morawietz SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW is meant for system windows, using it is a bit hackish, especially since the app uses non public APIs to create the window… But that’s so useful…


  8. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert​​ Can’t app check for permissions on start and then use it (this check) later when running?


  9. Anonymous says:

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    Viggo Jorgen

    It is possible to ask on startup, but not desireable, as it defeats the purpose of runtime permissions. Additionally, you’d still have to check for them when you use them, because users can revoke them at any time.


  10. Anonymous says:

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    Lukas Morawietz Damn, Google really screwed this one up then.


  11. Anonymous says:

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    Viggo Jorgen Oh it’s nice for the user, just painful for developers.


  12. Anonymous says:

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    Lukas Morawietz IMO all should happen “behind the scenes”. System should react on exceptions thrown when permission isn’t granted and revert app back to state just before it was requested. All what dev should do is write in manifest what permission  is needed.

    In Android everything is overcomplicated – you basically write app in your app to do something often trivial. At least in this area WP does things much better 


  13. Anonymous says:

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    In the past Android was way less complicated, it was a pleasure to code, really. I wouldn’t say it is bad now, but nowadays things like fragments are IMHO not very fun, to say the least.


  14. Anonymous says:

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    B6, i mean, i doing everything (new install, set lock screen, set floating desktop, create new backup and template, restore both, add/delete desktop/folder/panel/change language, set as default launcher, from app drawer uninstall some app, try set different option for statusbar, try call by shortut, try add some dynamic text, maybe something more). I dont have any problem with permission on kitkat 4.4.2, almost pure android (i use gravitybox from xposed installer).


  15. Anonymous says:

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    Danbar Danbar​ good to know, thanks for your valuable help !


  16. Anonymous says:

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    See I don’t get why people will take a work of art and turn it into chaos…if it ain’t broke don’t fix it I say, and imo when Google jumped to lollipop they screwed up. Jb & kk were just getting very stable then the whole art disaster ruined a lot of good apps when dalvik was stable & comfortable and for what? Where’s the big improvement? Then they are dropping marshmallow when lollipop is nowhere near any stability kk has. I still love Android and I’ll never leave it but I just don’t see the reasoning ya know. I just got my tablet running and downgraded to kk and lightning runs way smoother. I also have a phone I can flash m on to test also. I’ve got roms from kk up on it so Pierre Hébert​​ thanks for giving me something to do Bro lol😂😉


  17. Anonymous says:

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    The reason why they changed from Dalvik to Art is because Oracle sued Google for the lines of code used. So Google created their own running time and decided to change it to avoid any further legal issues.


  18. Anonymous says:

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    There wasn’t a single line of code related to java, but there was plenty of $$$ to do for Oracle…


  19. Anonymous says:

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    Sorry, Pierre, that is incorrect. To be specific, it was 9 lines of code. You can Wikepedia it if you doubt.


  20. Anonymous says:

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    Oh now that is interesting, well there’s always some fine print lol


  21. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert​ you will not publish stable 12.7 and prepaire 12.8? Or will stable 12.7 and after will 12.8 beta?


  22. Anonymous says:

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    Yes, 12.7 first (soon), then 12.8 beta. I am working on both versions at the same time.


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